Saturday, February 3, 2007

Swelled Uterus Hope I'm Pregnant

DIAMONDS: A thousand years of history!

Those of us women would be able to resist or be indifferent before the beauty and brilliance of a diamond ?

desired by all, the symbol of a promise of love, a symbol of refinement, transparency, class, every lover of beauty aims to have at least one in your jewelry! But what is the journey of a diamond before you get set up with an equally elegant frame in white gold or platinum?

's find out ...

The diamond, from the greek adamas (invincible) is a stone made up exclusively of pure carbon, which has a harder than any other body in nature. addition to being one of the most fascinating mineral gem from the point of view, it is also one of the most interesting of all: the first were discovered by humans about 4,100 years ago and their training dates back 2.5 billion years ago .

The diamond is found originally in some typical rock called kimberlite , which fragment and deposited in the beds of rivers with sand and gravel alluvial diamond deposits create : the best known examples are those Indian South African, Brazilian, Venezuelan, Australian, but important fields are also found in Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Borneo , Angola, Zaire, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Arkansas and in the Urals.

Our beloved gems appear to have the cutting technically called "brilliant" , originally tested and perfected by Vincenzo Peruzzi subsequently by optical principles of mathematics, which have improved the value gemstone.

addition to form "on emerald (rectangular with rounded top), a baguette (elongated rectangle), square (" yoke "), and triangular Shuttle, a princess and radiant, the most common is a round brilliant consists of 33 faces on them (the board has more than 32 octagonal faces that form the so-called "crown") and 24 below (the "Pavilion"). The crown and the pavilion are separated by a boundary rough or finely faceted.

The value of a stone so beautiful and charming is estimated in relation to four factors that the experts coded the "four Cs": olour c (color), c larity ( purity), c ut (cut) and c Arata (carat weight or carat).

As for the color contrary to popular belief there are only diamonds transparent, but also yellow, brown, greenish, pink, red and blue even , they just marketed for their rarity and invaluable

Suffice it to say that the only or almost colorless stones have been developed of "scale" color (including the American one is the most used), using letters from D for colorless diamonds to N for those yellow-brown.

The concept of purity instead was established by an international agreement and provides that a diamond can be defined as pure if observed with a magnification lens 10 does not have in its structure inclusions (coal) that is, residues or traces of other minerals with which the diamond is crystallized as diopside, olivine, garnet, zinc, magnesium and cracks natural or induced, and finally lines of growth of the original crystal.

The scale of purity ranking gems with the terms expressed in letters. In step are the high F ("flawless", "pure") to go to IF (internally pure) to VVS (very very small inclusion "), and so on.

The accuracy with which the cut diamond is working is a key factor that can enhance the value or to determine a permanent damage.

be assessed in addition to cutting the proportions of the same size, the symmetry between the various faces and the polish. For example, to classify the diamonds of less than one carat it comes to "very good" for exceptional brightness, few external signs and insignificant, "good" for a slightly less brilliance, some external signs most relevant, "poor" for a lower brightness , external signs rather large and / or numbers.

Last but not least is the carat. The 'unit of measurement for gemstones is the carat , one-fifth of a gram (one carat = 0.20 grams) and the "point" which is equivalent to 1 / 100 of a carat. (A 0.25-carat diamond is also said to be 25 points and rhinestones rhinestones surround these are so small that it takes to make a carat more than 200 !!!!). Of course the higher the karat, the higher the cost!

In light of all this ... when you go or send someone to the jeweler for you, you think to buy a diamond with a portfolio of recarvici thin ... there are no diamonds in liquidation or inexpensive (unless flawed). When you view the stone do not do it under artificial light or directly under the sun, but shade and possibly on a clear day. It 's always advisable to buy only the stone and then mount it, if this is not possible to buy jewelry and should be issued with a certificate of authenticity.

Finally let me give you a list of the most famous diamonds in the world, in the case, among you there was someone interested in ...

1. Millennium - 777 carats

2. Lesotho Promise - 603 carats - 2006 - Lesotho

3. Cullinan I - 530.2 carats

4. Incomparable - 407.78 carats, the Democratic Republic of Congo

5. Centenary - 273.85 carats - 1991 - South Africa - 247 faces

6. De Beers - 234.65 carats - 1888

7. Koh-I-Nohra - 105.6 carats - India

8. Star of South Africa - South Africa 47.69-carat

9. 45.52-carat Hope


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