Saturday, February 3, 2007

Non Denominational Church Miami

of tan ... ....

It 's true that with the autumn and the approach of winter become very rare opportunity to go for a walk and hope that the few warm rays of the sun can still kiss our skin colored to gold!

Unfortunately with the cold, dead and dull the colors of the seasons are cold misses the sun, the warm welcome and especially that suddenly changes the complexion, pale and discolored.

But now time the problem of winter tan is no longer something to fear or worry about.

increasing the number of people, without distinction men and women, adults and teens, who can not give up at least one face chocolate or amber, and seeking by every means to expel the pallor cadaverous reflection in the mirror!

fact the market we have different remedies: from suntan lotion, and applied consistently and uniformly colored soft skin and long-established lamps , discharging ray radiation on the body, "scorching" the skin.

E 'discounted reiterate that exposure to these types of rays is not completely healthy for our skin and that the overwhelming majority of dermatologists advise against this ritual, which has become a habit and a practice that no one can afford to miss.

However, considering the disproportionate rise in demand from customers to undergo this treatment, there is nothing to suggest that at least the best ways, and precautions to be taken not to be underestimated to avoid serious problems Skin : the dull aging, damages elastin and collagen deeper skin .

fact as well as the sea is necessary sun exposure gradually, to avoid sunburn and to maintain the prolonged effects of tanning healthy outlet, it is important Alike carefully follow specific rules for those would undergo tanning lamps, without being overwhelmed by the rapid fad of tanning without protection.

· First are preferred sunbeds and tanning booths emitting a spectrum similar to that of the sun, which contains both UVA and UVB.

· Exposure times vary and should be determined by the type of skin type to which belongs our skin. The darker skin types may incur for not more than 10-12 minutes to ; course albino and red should not even imagine to be a lamp burn die!

· Attendance: for sunbathers will not be a reassuring figure, but strictly one lamp per month.

· To prevent skin aging el'eridema is important to take at least a month, dietary supplements, vitamins E, C, PP, contributing to maintain an ideal level of oxidation.

· To prevent irreversible damage to skin cancers and is absolutely mandatory to use creams with shield higher than usual (remember that we do not hurry and artificiality to be paid somehow !).

· factor that many people ignore is that before making a lamp must suspend the use of photosensitive substances: perfume to birth control medications, to corticosteroids and some types of antibiotics, responsible the occurrence of unsightly skin blemishes.

· If photodermatosis arise and photoallergic reactions is irresponsible to persist in absorbing damaging rays ourselves need to stop treatment.

· For those suffering from diseases such as vitiligo, rosacea, herpes the use of lamps is strongly discouraged.

· When lying on the couch or standing in the sun shower has symptoms of blood pressure to drop, is useless to the heroes, exit immediately.

· Never forget to cover his eyes with the special glasses.

· After the exposure is necessary refresh and hydrate the skin on the body with a soothing cream and fit for purpose.

If you follow these tips and if at all is also associated with a large dose of common sense, surely you would be able to limit the damage caused by exposure to artificial radiation and to protect our health more.

fact, if we submit the occasional lamp becomes harmless, indeed can help you keep track of rheumatic disorders, and absorb moisture that penetrates the winter in my bones.

But 'Tan has become a mania, and given even more puzzling, according to a study published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, has become the new syndrome of children in Western that thousands are suffering from what the England have called tanorexia " (tan = tan), a disease that causes teenagers to look pale and always dodge this issue that you hate him running in a solarium (it seems that 19 years one third of adolescent girls have already made three lamps).

As statistics from chills, Organization World Health Organization has put forward a legislative proposal to the various states to ban solarium adolescents under the age of 18 years , but the economic interests confirms, once again, to count much more than any other initiative "pro-man ".


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