now the task of grinding at full speed ...
It 's a very tiring and stressful time, but it only lasts a few months and these months do anything to get an excellent product ...
Working on a farm is so, it means not having time, getting up early in the morning (hoping it does not rain out), get on the tractor (the night before, loaded boxes, nets and anything else that could be used in the fields) and spend the rest of the day (as long as there is a little 'light!) under the olive trees, trying to collect as much as possible to shorten the time and "scrub" the weather!
But back to us and to our business of milling, the labor camps will talk another day!
After harvesting, the olives are transported in crates to the mill and are pressed in the day.
In the past the olives were pressed immediately, but they were stacked for several days in closed bags, causing the deterioration of the fruit (and thus the final product was of poor quality), today, however, you prefer to use crates or blin, reducing the possible layers to improve ventilation and prevent fermentation of the olives, obtaining a final product organoleptic qualities well above ...
Before milling true there are other steps.
I state that our mill is in a continuous loop so once the olives are weighed (in boxes, bags or bin), they think of all the machines ... also cernitura is mechanical, through vibrating screens that separate the olives from twigs and leaves!
The olives are then washed , our mill uses water, drying and bearing for easy draining.
It goes to the first extraction stage itself: the milling . The product obtained from this phase is the oil paste, a semi-fluid mass consisting of a solid fraction (fragments of stones, peel and pulp) and a liquid (emulsion of water and oil).
Today, all modern mills (including ours) using a hammer mill : the load is carried out mechanically from above, with trucks that pick olives tape out of the washing machine, the discharge takes place from Low, again, mechanically, with the overflow of oil in the dough kneading . These machines are designed to break the emulsion of water and oil and bring together the micelles of oil in larger droplets that tend to separate spontaneously from water. In our system, this operation takes place in cold (at temperatures higher than I put environmental 22-24 ° C to 27 ° C).
The kneading lasts an average of 20-40 minutes and never more than 60 minutes (limit beyond which, at the same efficiency, the contact of the pulp oil with air lead increased oxidation). We then move
oil extraction in our system, This is done by centrifugation : pasta oil is subjected to centrifugation in a conical rotating drum with horizontal axis ( decanter ), at a speed of 3000-3500 rpm .
Our decanter is 2-step and a half and separates three fractions: the alperujo (which are of little economic value but can be treated with systems that allow economic recovery by exploiting the energy potential the core, and then to dispose of, may sell to the mill pomace oil extractors), vegetation water and the oil must .
The oil thus obtained must always contain a residual amount of water that is separated because of the different densities of the two liquids through the centrifugation. To do this you use vertical centrifugal separators, which carry out the separation under a high-speed rotation (6000-6500 revolutions per minute). As already mentioned the effect of different density, oil and water separate into two different outflows.
leaving the centrifugal separator, the oil is ready for use, may contain residual suspended solids and turbidity, but let it stand, the residue is deposited on the bottom of the container and oil become limpid spontaneously.
The oil obtained from olives of our company is conveyed by the tubes in stainless steel tanks labeled Ecocert Italy (our control body for organic farming) and only then is packaged in glass bottles or tin cans (as requested).
Our mill work for third parties.
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