Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
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Today Frittole ... between past and present
The frittole ( the frittuli ) are a traditional dish of Reggio Calabria, and the fact that in our farm we try to " maintain and reaffirm" the traditional local culture (also in the kitchen!) the offer in the restaurant regularly. And Saturday, November 13, we had a " frittulata ", a night when the main course were precisely the frittole!
But let's start from the beginning, because not everyone knows about this dish ...
... which is obtained by cooking all the "scraps" of pork processing, because as our grandparents said "Du pigs not jietta components", that the pig does not throw anything away: the meat is used to make various salami ( soppressate , sausages , capocolli , bacon, " lard") and what remains (bones, ribs, nose, rind, tongue, heart, lungs, ears, belly) is placed in the " Cardara . ..
.... The " Cardara " is the traditional pot of tinned copper, in which the frittole are boiled in the fat of the animal itself, on the embers. The firing lasts at least 7 hours.
frittole When all are removed from the " Cardara " what is left (leftovers and suet) is made to solidify (Cooling) and are called " micciunati (curcuci greaves depending on the area), are consumed throughout the year, usually accompanied with fried eggs, or pasta, c ' are also those who loves them in baked bread!
In our country, the killing of the pig is a true collective ritual (which can last three days !!!), one gets up early in the morning and lights the fire to have hot water available ' pemmu you stack u porcu "(remove the bulk of the dirt and animal hair).
skip the step of killing ...
The animal is selected, a part of his flesh is chopped (some people still do it with a knife) to become sausage or brawn, one part will be selected to become neck, pancetta or bacon, all the rest will be devoted to " Cardara ", as mentioned above ...
sausage cured meats are used, if possible, only the entrails of the animal, properly clean.
Generally, the work of selection and "processing" of the meat is done by women (who can try to remove more meat from the bones, chop meat, salted and spicy the bag), while men take care of only " Cardara " (clean even the most willing everything will be cooked: rind, ears, feet, face ... otherwise even this work is left women !!!)...
The second (or third !!!), you get up early to start the fire, which will take the coals for cooking frittole, and we set to work with Cardara . Cooking as mentioned above is very long, and frittole are mixed with a large wooden spoon, pierced ...
The evening ends with a big meal of Frittoli, accompanied by a good red wine and dall'insalata citrus (oranges and lemons).
If you also want to sample the gastronomic specialties our contact us, we remember that the animals are raised as it was once (not for industrial use !!!)...
0964/389107 Catering - Restaurant
328/3233465 - 335 / 1283052 Joseph Fragomeni (Head Company)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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The table olives
addition to ' oil, we also produce table olives, following traditional recipes of our grandparents ...
The olives are handpicked and transported directly from the company immediately in crates.
Staff authorized, and then proceed to manually select the proper preparation ...
The olives that we use are mostly of the variety "Gerace" and according to the ingredients and preparations are obtained: The
olives in brine for this recipe using only freshly picked green olives. The fruit should be free of spots or other imperfections. After selection, the olives are washed and placed in containers which will be kept until use. Then they are paid above the rest of the ingredients: peppers, whole, whole cloves of garlic, fennel, salt and water. The container is closed and is tucked in the following days when the water level had come down! The
black olives know tt'olio , for this recipe using black olives (olives are always green ones are just more mature !!!!). After selection, they are "engraved" in three places for the long and soaked in water (after being washed). The water is changed daily (changing speeds many times the "sweetening") to "disappear" the bitterness of the olives and only when they are "edible" are "mixed" with salt, chili pepper and chopped garlic, oregano ... Season are made well and then placed in glass jars, covered with olive oil, topped up if necessary in the following days. The
split black olives, for this recipe uses the same "process" of those above, but which are not preserved in oil, but consumed immediately ... The
black olives baked , follow the same procedure for the black split, but once you are ready to bake at a low temperature for quite long time, so that it becomes dry and the pulp is consumed within a few days! The
pickled olives for this recipe using green olives, remove the stones, which are "softened" ('impels) in water and vinegar, then they are salted and placed in glass jars with celery, carrots, garlic ... trying to press well and press out air and liquids to avoid spoilage.
The allivi burps are made with green olives private core, without using the stoner, but breaking the olives themselves with large stones, so as to remove the core and part of oil that the fruit itself contains .... They are then put into water to remove the bitter and seasoned with salt, fennel, pepper and garlic ...
All these preparations can be tasted in the restaurant attached to our farm, along with our other specialties!!
addition to ' oil, we also produce table olives, following traditional recipes of our grandparents ...
The olives are handpicked and transported directly from the company immediately in crates.
Staff authorized, and then proceed to manually select the proper preparation ...
The olives that we use are mostly of the variety "Gerace" and according to the ingredients and preparations are obtained: The
olives in brine for this recipe using only freshly picked green olives. The fruit should be free of spots or other imperfections. After selection, the olives are washed and placed in containers which will be kept until use. Then they are paid above the rest of the ingredients: peppers, whole, whole cloves of garlic, fennel, salt and water. The container is closed and is tucked in the following days when the water level had come down! The
black olives know tt'olio , for this recipe using black olives (olives are always green ones are just more mature !!!!). After selection, they are "engraved" in three places for the long and soaked in water (after being washed). The water is changed daily (changing speeds many times the "sweetening") to "disappear" the bitterness of the olives and only when they are "edible" are "mixed" with salt, chili pepper and chopped garlic, oregano ... Season are made well and then placed in glass jars, covered with olive oil, topped up if necessary in the following days. The
split black olives, for this recipe uses the same "process" of those above, but which are not preserved in oil, but consumed immediately ... The
black olives baked , follow the same procedure for the black split, but once you are ready to bake at a low temperature for quite long time, so that it becomes dry and the pulp is consumed within a few days! The
pickled olives for this recipe using green olives, remove the stones, which are "softened" ('impels) in water and vinegar, then they are salted and placed in glass jars with celery, carrots, garlic ... trying to press well and press out air and liquids to avoid spoilage.
The allivi burps are made with green olives private core, without using the stoner, but breaking the olives themselves with large stones, so as to remove the core and part of oil that the fruit itself contains .... They are then put into water to remove the bitter and seasoned with salt, fennel, pepper and garlic ...
All these preparations can be tasted in the restaurant attached to our farm, along with our other specialties!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
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How do you get a good extra-virgin olive oil
now the task of grinding at full speed ...
It 's a very tiring and stressful time, but it only lasts a few months and these months do anything to get an excellent product ...
Working on a farm is so, it means not having time, getting up early in the morning (hoping it does not rain out), get on the tractor (the night before, loaded boxes, nets and anything else that could be used in the fields) and spend the rest of the day (as long as there is a little 'light!) under the olive trees, trying to collect as much as possible to shorten the time and "scrub" the weather!
But back to us and to our business of milling, the labor camps will talk another day!
After harvesting, the olives are transported in crates to the mill and are pressed in the day.
In the past the olives were pressed immediately, but they were stacked for several days in closed bags, causing the deterioration of the fruit (and thus the final product was of poor quality), today, however, you prefer to use crates or blin, reducing the possible layers to improve ventilation and prevent fermentation of the olives, obtaining a final product organoleptic qualities well above ...
Before milling true there are other steps.
I state that our mill is in a continuous loop so once the olives are weighed (in boxes, bags or bin), they think of all the machines ... also cernitura is mechanical, through vibrating screens that separate the olives from twigs and leaves!
The olives are then washed , our mill uses water, drying and bearing for easy draining.
It goes to the first extraction stage itself: the milling . The product obtained from this phase is the oil paste, a semi-fluid mass consisting of a solid fraction (fragments of stones, peel and pulp) and a liquid (emulsion of water and oil).
Today, all modern mills (including ours) using a hammer mill : the load is carried out mechanically from above, with trucks that pick olives tape out of the washing machine, the discharge takes place from Low, again, mechanically, with the overflow of oil in the dough kneading . These machines are designed to break the emulsion of water and oil and bring together the micelles of oil in larger droplets that tend to separate spontaneously from water. In our system, this operation takes place in cold (at temperatures higher than I put environmental 22-24 ° C to 27 ° C).
The kneading lasts an average of 20-40 minutes and never more than 60 minutes (limit beyond which, at the same efficiency, the contact of the pulp oil with air lead increased oxidation). We then move
oil extraction in our system, This is done by centrifugation : pasta oil is subjected to centrifugation in a conical rotating drum with horizontal axis ( decanter ), at a speed of 3000-3500 rpm .
Our decanter is 2-step and a half and separates three fractions: the alperujo (which are of little economic value but can be treated with systems that allow economic recovery by exploiting the energy potential the core, and then to dispose of, may sell to the mill pomace oil extractors), vegetation water and the oil must .
now the task of grinding at full speed ...
It 's a very tiring and stressful time, but it only lasts a few months and these months do anything to get an excellent product ...
Working on a farm is so, it means not having time, getting up early in the morning (hoping it does not rain out), get on the tractor (the night before, loaded boxes, nets and anything else that could be used in the fields) and spend the rest of the day (as long as there is a little 'light!) under the olive trees, trying to collect as much as possible to shorten the time and "scrub" the weather!
But back to us and to our business of milling, the labor camps will talk another day!
After harvesting, the olives are transported in crates to the mill and are pressed in the day.
In the past the olives were pressed immediately, but they were stacked for several days in closed bags, causing the deterioration of the fruit (and thus the final product was of poor quality), today, however, you prefer to use crates or blin, reducing the possible layers to improve ventilation and prevent fermentation of the olives, obtaining a final product organoleptic qualities well above ...
Before milling true there are other steps.
I state that our mill is in a continuous loop so once the olives are weighed (in boxes, bags or bin), they think of all the machines ... also cernitura is mechanical, through vibrating screens that separate the olives from twigs and leaves!
The olives are then washed , our mill uses water, drying and bearing for easy draining.
It goes to the first extraction stage itself: the milling . The product obtained from this phase is the oil paste, a semi-fluid mass consisting of a solid fraction (fragments of stones, peel and pulp) and a liquid (emulsion of water and oil).
Today, all modern mills (including ours) using a hammer mill : the load is carried out mechanically from above, with trucks that pick olives tape out of the washing machine, the discharge takes place from Low, again, mechanically, with the overflow of oil in the dough kneading . These machines are designed to break the emulsion of water and oil and bring together the micelles of oil in larger droplets that tend to separate spontaneously from water. In our system, this operation takes place in cold (at temperatures higher than I put environmental 22-24 ° C to 27 ° C).
The kneading lasts an average of 20-40 minutes and never more than 60 minutes (limit beyond which, at the same efficiency, the contact of the pulp oil with air lead increased oxidation). We then move
oil extraction in our system, This is done by centrifugation : pasta oil is subjected to centrifugation in a conical rotating drum with horizontal axis ( decanter ), at a speed of 3000-3500 rpm .
Our decanter is 2-step and a half and separates three fractions: the alperujo (which are of little economic value but can be treated with systems that allow economic recovery by exploiting the energy potential the core, and then to dispose of, may sell to the mill pomace oil extractors), vegetation water and the oil must .
The oil thus obtained must always contain a residual amount of water that is separated because of the different densities of the two liquids through the centrifugation. To do this you use vertical centrifugal separators, which carry out the separation under a high-speed rotation (6000-6500 revolutions per minute). As already mentioned the effect of different density, oil and water separate into two different outflows.
leaving the centrifugal separator, the oil is ready for use, may contain residual suspended solids and turbidity, but let it stand, the residue is deposited on the bottom of the container and oil become limpid spontaneously.
The oil obtained from olives of our company is conveyed by the tubes in stainless steel tanks labeled Ecocert Italy (our control body for organic farming) and only then is packaged in glass bottles or tin cans (as requested).
Our mill work for third parties.
Friday, October 29, 2010
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Courtesy kindness and helpfulness are the first characteristics of this farm to be awarded the quality and beauty of the rooms.
From Pordenone arrived broken and satisfied.
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10/08 / 2009
Spacious and very comfortable.
The place is beautiful and favors relaxing and enjoyable with a delicious staff to be polite and friendly ...
Spacious and very comfortable.
The place is beautiful and favors relaxing and enjoyable with a delicious staff to be polite and friendly ...
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I live in Genoa for thirty-eight years. Here again I found the flavors and smells of my Calabria. Thanks
I live in Genoa for thirty-eight years. Here again I found the flavors and smells of my Calabria. Thanks
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Exquisite hospitality and excellent cuisine ...
ancient and authentic flavors Calabrian popular and well known thanks to you.
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14/08/2009 14/08/2009 13/09/2009
Thank you so much for everything: for the wonderful welcome and the wonderful facilities that true love brought forward and put the guests ... Congratulations!
Thank you so much for everything: for the wonderful welcome and the wonderful facilities that true love brought forward and put the guests ... Congratulations!
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We are the first to write about the place but since many others will follow.
Congratulations to the entire company is a "real farm".
We had a wonderful thanks to your hospitality.
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We are the first to write about the place but since many others will follow.
Congratulations to the entire company is a "real farm".
We had a wonderful thanks to your hospitality.
Lorenzo Alexander and
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The place, the building, preparedness and friendly staff make this bed and breakfast is a unique place to recommend.
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08/09/2009 11/12 - 12/01/2008 January 2009
A real beauty farm of the spirit, smells and flavors that fill the mind, the ancient taste of things were lost.
A real beauty farm of the spirit, smells and flavors that fill the mind, the ancient taste of things were lost.
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Why this blog ... 12/08/2009
also holding around the country there are hundreds of hives of honeybees ...
We offer our guests a great breakfast with cakes made by our staff (pies and cakes filled with jam and products exclusively from the company, Grandma's cookies), accompanied by fresh milk milked, honey and ricotta just made to order!
After this long preamble ...
We wanted to start this blog to communicate in a more direct with you, to keep you updated on our events and to know your on our services (we welcome criticism, we are ready to get better and better!)
If you want to know something more about our farm you can visit our website: http://www.baronemacri.it/index.html ...
We began our adventure with the farm two years ago ... is an uphill struggle, but we are getting good results ... customers are satisfied with the services that we offer ... are pleased to see that we are a REAL FARM ...
The building is a building of 700 completely renovated and refurbished. E 'surrounded by nature, surrounded by acres of olive groves and citrus ... You wake up with the crowing of the cock, just look out the window to hear the sheep bleating ... just do a little walk to see cows, horses and donkeys ...
Next to the mill's farm (where the children, for example, can see how oil is produced, which "grows" on the shelves of the supermarket!) which produces a high quality ... An oil produced from olives harvested unripe and have pressed the same day of collection with a completely cold cycle (which does not alter the organoleptic characteristics of the product). It also produces olives, black olives in oil, using hand-picked olives and selected by the appropriate personnel ... The recipes are those of the grandfather, who always a great success!!
Then there is the cheese factory, which produced cheeses (pecorino, vaccine and combined) and fresh cheeses (ricotta, both sheep and cows, became an enormous success for its softness and goodness !!!)... We have recently introduced the production of Caciocavallo beginning to penetrate the market as the rest of our products!
also holding around the country there are hundreds of hives of honeybees ...
The children, as mentioned above, many animals can learn that the city does not have a chance to see up close, as well as cows, sheep, goats, horses and donkeys, there are also miniature goats, they collect more a huge success young and old!
We offer our guests a great breakfast with cakes made by our staff (pies and cakes filled with jam and products exclusively from the company, Grandma's cookies), accompanied by fresh milk milked, honey and ricotta just made to order!
If you want to stay for lunch and / or dinner, we also have a restaurant attached to the farm ... We offer exclusively a typical and with products of our farm or neighboring farms ... We decided not to "invade" the stylish menu with dishes that do not marry with the "political tradition" that we conduct! Our cooks prepare delicious dishes (donuts and fritters of all kinds, local meats, local bread, homemade pasta "maccarruni the" choice of meat with sauces and vegetables, grilled local meat, sweets) in carefully ' changing of the seasons (do not ask the mushrooms in August, we will not be satisfied!)
After this long preamble ...
... We come to because of this blog ...
If you want to know something more about our farm you can visit our website: http://www.baronemacri.it/index.html ...
Monday, October 25, 2010
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Thanks for the wonderful hospitality and the delicious taste that you have done.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
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Wiretapping bill - Knight unpunished and the rule of silence (Giorgio Bocca)
down the mask. What he wants, which claims the majority in power is total impunity, the silence about his theft and embezzlement. At the time of tangentopoli the ruling majority was content to spend his thefts in self-government. Remember
craxi Biffi Gentili's thesis? If politicians are called upon to administer the big cities, big problems with skills of technocrats because they do not have to be paid as such? And if you are not because they want to avoid that autofinanzino? Today the majority in power no longer has need of these fallacies. Claims the right to steal through politics as a normal, have the right to prey. At the time of the Socialists tangentopoli craxiani but also those of other parties had hid the theft by means of political accounts "protected" ie secret in Switzerland to Singapore to Hong Kong. And having put the booty they had taken to secure the taste to take the piss their fellow citizens with the absurd thesis that the self-financing of political parties was not only a necessity but a duty of who was responsible for administering the state and democracy.
Today in Italy Berlusconi theft was discovered through politics, of course. As soon as you can steal and one suspects that it is an anthropological mutation occurred, that the ruling majority is convinced that the use of politics to steal is not only normal but commendable and that the institutions have a duty to protect him. Italy is a country-time of the mysteries, secret societies, conspiracies under the auspices of the Masonic Knight Arcore authoritarian democracy is becoming a declared and compact in defense of his vices and his theft. Why oppose the gag that is required of information? Mussolini had no reason to abolish the crime and to cover the scandals of the regime? Is there a more efficient way to wash your dirty linen in secret without the newspapers put them in the streets? The entrepreneur Anemone refuses to respond to the magistrates investigating his business is not the black sheep, the exception but the norm of Berlusconi's companies to do everything comfortable that the owners, without paying duty.
Confirmation of anthropological mutation comes from the fact that politicians caught with his hand in the cookie jar show more amazing what a shame. Their corruption was normal, candida, a good father thief family. One was enough to pay for a bachelor pad in the center of Rome, another had left a free hand to building firms after the earthquake in exchange for a review of the toilets in her house, say the operation of the toilet and the bathroom. For others the chance to have some whore at the expense of the state, in short, the great crisis of Italian politics, although the risk of an authoritarian democracy, of a dictatorship in disguise, would be soft in the banality evil, small defects in small temptations of so-called ruling class.
an Italy without mysteries with a blunt head of government, schiettissimo. What do you want? What claims? The least a man of action rather than the thinking of not having control, of not having the inconvenience and if you raise the head of a horse no one be allowed to require him to pull on a cow. What he discovered the Knight? What I had discovered before him, all men do authoritarian, that the controls are annoying and sometimes unbearable. In a word: that democracy is more complicated and tiring of the dictatorship. (The Australian - June 12, 2010)
down the mask. What he wants, which claims the majority in power is total impunity, the silence about his theft and embezzlement. At the time of tangentopoli the ruling majority was content to spend his thefts in self-government. Remember
craxi Biffi Gentili's thesis? If politicians are called upon to administer the big cities, big problems with skills of technocrats because they do not have to be paid as such? And if you are not because they want to avoid that autofinanzino? Today the majority in power no longer has need of these fallacies. Claims the right to steal through politics as a normal, have the right to prey. At the time of the Socialists tangentopoli craxiani but also those of other parties had hid the theft by means of political accounts "protected" ie secret in Switzerland to Singapore to Hong Kong. And having put the booty they had taken to secure the taste to take the piss their fellow citizens with the absurd thesis that the self-financing of political parties was not only a necessity but a duty of who was responsible for administering the state and democracy.
Today in Italy Berlusconi theft was discovered through politics, of course. As soon as you can steal and one suspects that it is an anthropological mutation occurred, that the ruling majority is convinced that the use of politics to steal is not only normal but commendable and that the institutions have a duty to protect him. Italy is a country-time of the mysteries, secret societies, conspiracies under the auspices of the Masonic Knight Arcore authoritarian democracy is becoming a declared and compact in defense of his vices and his theft. Why oppose the gag that is required of information? Mussolini had no reason to abolish the crime and to cover the scandals of the regime? Is there a more efficient way to wash your dirty linen in secret without the newspapers put them in the streets? The entrepreneur Anemone refuses to respond to the magistrates investigating his business is not the black sheep, the exception but the norm of Berlusconi's companies to do everything comfortable that the owners, without paying duty.
Confirmation of anthropological mutation comes from the fact that politicians caught with his hand in the cookie jar show more amazing what a shame. Their corruption was normal, candida, a good father thief family. One was enough to pay for a bachelor pad in the center of Rome, another had left a free hand to building firms after the earthquake in exchange for a review of the toilets in her house, say the operation of the toilet and the bathroom. For others the chance to have some whore at the expense of the state, in short, the great crisis of Italian politics, although the risk of an authoritarian democracy, of a dictatorship in disguise, would be soft in the banality evil, small defects in small temptations of so-called ruling class.
an Italy without mysteries with a blunt head of government, schiettissimo. What do you want? What claims? The least a man of action rather than the thinking of not having control, of not having the inconvenience and if you raise the head of a horse no one be allowed to require him to pull on a cow. What he discovered the Knight? What I had discovered before him, all men do authoritarian, that the controls are annoying and sometimes unbearable. In a word: that democracy is more complicated and tiring of the dictatorship. (The Australian - June 12, 2010)
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Ddl interceptions - is why we must stop it (Roberto Saviano)
Gag Law is a law that protects the privacy of the citizen, by contrast, is a law that protects the privacy of power. Not intended as privacy of the men of power, but in their business, rather malaffari. When discussing wiretaps must always rely on a premise as natural as necessary. Privacy is sacred, is one of the pillars of law and of civil society.
But here we are faced with a law that protects the privacy of individuals, their dialogues, their intimate talk. This law is consistent with the mechanism that the media knows how the above information and information in Italy. Publish interception only when there is a trial creates a huge void that concerns precisely that segment of information that can not be made public domain. This seems to be the real goal: to prevent the press the immediate use of data which then, after some time, it would make more sense to publish. In this way, the information conveyed will remain forever maimed, mutilated, unintelligible. The aim is to prevent the story of what happens, this masking with the interests of protecting the privacy of citizens.
anyone have even minimal experience in the mechanisms of interception in the world of organized crime are known to be registered hundreds of details, stories of betrayal, unnecessary to the investigation, and no effect publication. The terror that has political power and business is to see which items published instead in a few words can be shown how to build the mechanism of power. Not only how to configure a crime. For example, the investigation in December 2007 that led to the interception of famous Berlusconi Saccà has seen an infinite amount of interception of private details, of which many were aware but none has been more than that necessary to define the context of a trade-off between politics and Rai.
The same majority that approved a decree that truncates the name of freedom of information in defense of privacy through the Supervision Rai decides to publish in the end credits of the guests and the remuneration of the conductors. The gesture seems crystal clear. It 's the opposite. And not only because in a market economy, the fee is determined by the market and not by an ethical calculus. In this way, the competitors will know what the Rai Rai is charged, then the mechanism will benefit the non-state TV. Mediaset will be aware of the fees and take steps accordingly. But the great news is that much to offset the tragic passing of the law on wiretapping is that the reader, the viewer understands what is happening when you become a citizen, which claims to be informed. Thousands of people are angry and determined to show their dissent, the desire and hope to be able to prevent this law mutilated forever the relationship that exists between newspapers and their readers: the desire to understand, know, get a feel. We do not want to be deprived of it. Send messages to newspapers, to show gagged, gestures are not easy, granted. Gestures which are not allow to be committed. Are the premise of the commitment. The intent of action is often the action. The state not only in the name against the possibility of criticism, but worried that what is happening destroy an essential tool for knowing the facts. The law gags, is opposed by thousands of voices. Items that show that not everything is finished, all is not determinable from the schedule that is given Italians every day. Every person who now takes part in this civil battle, is allowing the story to save the country, to give opportunity to journalism - and not to the jackals of blackmail - to resist. In a word, is defending democracy. (The Republic - Roberto Saviano / Agency Santachiara -12 June 2010)
Gag Law is a law that protects the privacy of the citizen, by contrast, is a law that protects the privacy of power. Not intended as privacy of the men of power, but in their business, rather malaffari. When discussing wiretaps must always rely on a premise as natural as necessary. Privacy is sacred, is one of the pillars of law and of civil society.
But here we are faced with a law that protects the privacy of individuals, their dialogues, their intimate talk. This law is consistent with the mechanism that the media knows how the above information and information in Italy. Publish interception only when there is a trial creates a huge void that concerns precisely that segment of information that can not be made public domain. This seems to be the real goal: to prevent the press the immediate use of data which then, after some time, it would make more sense to publish. In this way, the information conveyed will remain forever maimed, mutilated, unintelligible. The aim is to prevent the story of what happens, this masking with the interests of protecting the privacy of citizens.
anyone have even minimal experience in the mechanisms of interception in the world of organized crime are known to be registered hundreds of details, stories of betrayal, unnecessary to the investigation, and no effect publication. The terror that has political power and business is to see which items published instead in a few words can be shown how to build the mechanism of power. Not only how to configure a crime. For example, the investigation in December 2007 that led to the interception of famous Berlusconi Saccà has seen an infinite amount of interception of private details, of which many were aware but none has been more than that necessary to define the context of a trade-off between politics and Rai.
The same majority that approved a decree that truncates the name of freedom of information in defense of privacy through the Supervision Rai decides to publish in the end credits of the guests and the remuneration of the conductors. The gesture seems crystal clear. It 's the opposite. And not only because in a market economy, the fee is determined by the market and not by an ethical calculus. In this way, the competitors will know what the Rai Rai is charged, then the mechanism will benefit the non-state TV. Mediaset will be aware of the fees and take steps accordingly. But the great news is that much to offset the tragic passing of the law on wiretapping is that the reader, the viewer understands what is happening when you become a citizen, which claims to be informed. Thousands of people are angry and determined to show their dissent, the desire and hope to be able to prevent this law mutilated forever the relationship that exists between newspapers and their readers: the desire to understand, know, get a feel. We do not want to be deprived of it. Send messages to newspapers, to show gagged, gestures are not easy, granted. Gestures which are not allow to be committed. Are the premise of the commitment. The intent of action is often the action. The state not only in the name against the possibility of criticism, but worried that what is happening destroy an essential tool for knowing the facts. The law gags, is opposed by thousands of voices. Items that show that not everything is finished, all is not determinable from the schedule that is given Italians every day. Every person who now takes part in this civil battle, is allowing the story to save the country, to give opportunity to journalism - and not to the jackals of blackmail - to resist. In a word, is defending democracy. (The Republic - Roberto Saviano / Agency Santachiara -12 June 2010)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
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Camilleri: "Risk fascism we are ready to disobey" (Alberto D'Argenio)
Writers antibavaglio. Laterza: "Unable to make books of inquiry"
LONDON - So, back to Fascism. The protagonists of reading against the gag law on wiretapping-have no doubt: it kills the public consciousness and with it democracy. Sunday Schedule in a packed theater Quirinus of Rome, "Readings for the freedom of the press" organized by hundreds of publishers with booksellers and writers will continue all week throughout Italy. "The law on wiretapping not only touches newspapers and journalists, but also publishers who publish books of inquiry, which are also potential beneficiaries of the bill," said publisher Joseph Laterza, one of the organizers, Marco Cassini (Minimum fax) and Stefano Mauri (Mauri-English).
open with readings of the songs is Andrea Camilleri, who brought the appeal to students that the Chancellor of the University of Padua, Concetto Marchesi, delivered December 1, 1943 leaving the university for not submit to fascism. A speech (reading the vibrant Sicilian writer) that ends this way: "Liberate Italy from the bondage of deceit." Camilleri to Step that perfectly defines "dirt and filth of the attack on the freedom that has now been in other forms." We call for the information - said the father Montalbano - although with the gag-law there is just nothing to write about because judges can no longer work, "leaving the mafia and the clique free to trick us into silence." Camilleri then went on leave from the public with a terse "good luck". And also of great interest the speech of Pericles to the Athenians, Paul Rossi was able to read on television and yesterday brought by Rosetta Loy.
on stage Stefano Rodota, that "when you lock the knowledge of the facts is impossible to act and endangering the democratic life: it is typical of totalitarian regimes compel its citizens to read foreign news sites of their own country ". Thus spoke the political scientist Giovanni Sartori, who called it "shameful" gag-law: "It is the ultimate resource for creating a false, stupid and uninformed public that knows nothing about the world and know almost only false things Italy ". And Marco Travaglio was among those who have mentioned the failure of the law. As Massimo Carlotto, for which "does not remain that civil disobedience. "Who was not there, as Dacia Maraini, entrusted to others their own reflections. The evening was closed by Gianrico Carofiglio, judge, writer and senator of the Democratic Party:" The gag was the same as that quoted Camilleri program of the P2 lodge. No coincidence that there were also enrolled members of the government. " (La Repubblica, June 1, 2010)
Writers antibavaglio. Laterza: "Unable to make books of inquiry"
LONDON - So, back to Fascism. The protagonists of reading against the gag law on wiretapping-have no doubt: it kills the public consciousness and with it democracy. Sunday Schedule in a packed theater Quirinus of Rome, "Readings for the freedom of the press" organized by hundreds of publishers with booksellers and writers will continue all week throughout Italy. "The law on wiretapping not only touches newspapers and journalists, but also publishers who publish books of inquiry, which are also potential beneficiaries of the bill," said publisher Joseph Laterza, one of the organizers, Marco Cassini (Minimum fax) and Stefano Mauri (Mauri-English).
open with readings of the songs is Andrea Camilleri, who brought the appeal to students that the Chancellor of the University of Padua, Concetto Marchesi, delivered December 1, 1943 leaving the university for not submit to fascism. A speech (reading the vibrant Sicilian writer) that ends this way: "Liberate Italy from the bondage of deceit." Camilleri to Step that perfectly defines "dirt and filth of the attack on the freedom that has now been in other forms." We call for the information - said the father Montalbano - although with the gag-law there is just nothing to write about because judges can no longer work, "leaving the mafia and the clique free to trick us into silence." Camilleri then went on leave from the public with a terse "good luck". And also of great interest the speech of Pericles to the Athenians, Paul Rossi was able to read on television and yesterday brought by Rosetta Loy.
on stage Stefano Rodota, that "when you lock the knowledge of the facts is impossible to act and endangering the democratic life: it is typical of totalitarian regimes compel its citizens to read foreign news sites of their own country ". Thus spoke the political scientist Giovanni Sartori, who called it "shameful" gag-law: "It is the ultimate resource for creating a false, stupid and uninformed public that knows nothing about the world and know almost only false things Italy ". And Marco Travaglio was among those who have mentioned the failure of the law. As Massimo Carlotto, for which "does not remain that civil disobedience. "Who was not there, as Dacia Maraini, entrusted to others their own reflections. The evening was closed by Gianrico Carofiglio, judge, writer and senator of the Democratic Party:" The gag was the same as that quoted Camilleri program of the P2 lodge. No coincidence that there were also enrolled members of the government. " (La Repubblica, June 1, 2010)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Interesting Facts For Triple X Syndrome
Saviano but I disobey (Gianluca Di Feo)
interview Gianluca Di Feo Roberto Saviano on the new Act to wiretapping 'the Parliament.
I disobey. Roberto Saviano has no doubts: "I will try to continue working as if this law did not exist." Why does the text approved in committee on wiretapping Justice "is a real labor of inquiry castration" and above all a gift from the mafia "who can communicate easily and hide the mechanics of their power."
Four years since the release of "Gomorra," the writer does not see reducing the strength of organized crime and feels "the growing fragility of the judiciary." It receives a climate very similar to that which preceded the massacres of 1992, those spectacular attacks against symbolic targets, men and monuments that have changed the history of Italy: "Even if today the boss decided to raise the bar could make a shoulder to the country and choose how to widen. I think the words of Francesco "Sandokan" Schiavone who has evoked a "snowball." In a Roman Saviano terrace you can enjoy the sunset checked after the umpteenth time this spring's dark, dark eyes roam chasing any movement but it is curious anything but distracted always try to look beyond and understand the evolution of moral and economic crisis. playmobil puppets on the table that gave him a small fan, a gunman and a policeman to the teeth with only a truncheon, almost a metaphor for the Italian situation.
If the text of the law on wiretapping will not be changed, the gangs will be more advantaged by the limits on plays or a ban on publication?
"The biggest advantage is the ease of communication. Today, with most animals held for them is increasingly difficult to transmit orders and then manage organizations. Take in prison interviews with family members, the oldest system used to continue to operate. Bidognetti boss in meetings with partner Anna Carrino continually touched his face as if he was stroking his beard. He wanted to tell her: "Please refer to Sandokan." When the woman began to cooperate, he told the judges that it took a dozen interviews to understand what the meaning of that gesture. If the law passes, they will have more of these problems. "
Similarly mafias can communicate even in silence, with the ostentatious signs in the area.
"And that makes it even more important interceptions. The thing that impressed me most is that sometimes there are performances that do not require an order: it happens, as if it were a rule that is in things. I remember ' Federico Del Prete murder of trade unionist in 2002 in Casal di Principe: there was no need for a meeting between heads but only a tacit, when he informed the leadership that was ill-born who went to kill is not that it took bother to seek permission to Sandokan and Bidognetti. It becomes essential to rely on listening to wiretaps and bugs: allows you to understand the context in which certain actions then becomes automatic. "
These dynamics are described in" Gomorrah "and many other books. How can a parliamentary committee that deals with justice in ignore them? To what extent there is bad faith in granting a benefit similar to godparents?
"There is a segment where incompetence and bad faith can be the same. The incompetence is: they want to create a rule for certain benefits while ignoring the effects in the fight against the Mafia. But bad faith is not a direct help to the criminal. Although it is declining because the contrast to the clans as "military force" has only beat them in and seize the assets most striking. This action is important but so is cutting your arms without hitting his head and without eradicating the body. And the excuse of military conflict in bad faith and incompetence can overlap.
So just to protect politicians and other white-collar workers, ensuring their privacy at all costs, it gives an assist to the mafia?
"But the issue of privacy should not be underestimated. I am convinced that the issue of wiretapping today things are not going well: I feel that we need to find new rules, but can not be imposed from above and use the expression again militarily. A democracy needs of shared rules: judges, journalists, lawyers and legislators should sit around a table and develop effective proposals. Because even if there is a protection of privacy must make distinctions: the comments are really something personal, the other is call the manufacturer on the night of the earthquake Abruzzo says, "I'm laughing." That must come in the acts and must be disclosed: the context shows that led to the crime. That is to say that the border of privacy is labile and is especially common sense, which many newspaper editors often do not seem to have. This creates distrust in the reader. "
If the law gets passed, in many newsrooms you begin to rely on civil disobedience. What do you think?
"I can not advise but I know what I'll do. I disobey, I will continue working as if this law did not exist, sorry for the lost opportunity to create new shared rules. Why teach the lesson of American journalism that is the ability to set rules, avoiding the easy shots and gossip shortcuts Photo effect, which makes them strong inquiries. But I think the law is being formulated as a castration is real labor of inquiry: the will to disobey my answer. And I hope that my disobedience is supported by investigators from the police, by All such bodies with which converted from four years: I hope that my "extended family" will help me to disobey. "
Journalists and writers can disobey and challenge the arrest. But the law introducing heavy fines for publishers, creating a deterrent to publication. In these conditions, the Web can become an island of freedom?
"The Web is free. I'm on Facebook I have a new life: my page has more than half a million supporters, what I write there comes to most readers that a national newspaper. The Internet is powerful as a tool to spread the truth but lacks authority. The Web is a communication tool while newspapers are an instrument of democracy: they create debate, have an editorial staff, rely on the loyalty of the player. In 50 years it will also be the Web tool but today is not mature. For this gag news and daily means silencing the most authoritative sources ".
She now has a personality, a celebrity: he feels the weight of attention on her private life?
" I'm used to it: I have seven people escorts who keep what I do 24 hours a day. But for security reasons I must keep hidden life of my family. In this sense I understand when you invoke the right to privacy because it coincides with me with the right to life ".
In market news today is worth more to talk about good or evil Saviano?
"When you saturate the market should speak well to speak ill, but not Saviano, anyone. I do not want to venture in comparison to where I feel inferior to Diego Armando Maradona, a legend in my youth, and even Barack Obama: when he spoke too positive, and attack it should change. It is part of the game, but in my situation that I regret is that I am not a politician, I do not represent my constituents. I am a writer and I'm representative of my word and just. "
But last autumn when she took the stage of Piazza del Popolo in defense of press freedom, has taken a political position.
"Yes, but in the Platonic sense of the word: politics as public art, which unfortunately does not consider the Italians or the division of the pie. I'm not up on stage with the flag of a party and I always wondered sharing positions even of my electorate's center. The President Gianfranco Fini when I defended by claims of Emilio Fede said he did so many of my readers in the name of the PDL. "
So you will have a position "political" only on certain topics?
"Yes, in that sense I do politics, in the sense of the battle of ideas. I feel lucky and privileged I have an autonomous space to do so. Typically, those seeking the battle of ideas must pay the duty, if not the shame of militancy in the party, which means having to come to terms with administrative minutiae, lists and organizational troubles. I am reminded of a passage of "The Betrothed" in which Father Christopher has to face troubles and problems of African newspapers while Charles Borromeo can think about good and evil. At this time the battle of ideas is the space where I feel free. "
you feel more free without a" party Saviano "but we also feel stronger? After Piazza del Popolo were not reduced the scope for communicate your ideas?
"We are reduced because I have become obnoxious to certain political parties. But I still talk to their electorate and I am convinced that this is the element that most annoys them. I remember when I went to the University Roma Tre: outside posters were blacks with white writing "Saviano hero" and "O" turned into a Celtic cross, and red posters that read "Saviano my friend." It was really fun because I was not allowed to have this union. It seems rhetorical but sometimes the truth is, rhetoric has been the law, the idea that at least one thing - the contrast to the mafia - can not be divided. "
shares the Elio Germano's words from the stage in Cannes that he dedicated the award to Italy "in spite of its ruling class"?
"A dedication absolutely right. It is important to refer to that part of the country that wants to do and do well. And it is right to point out that the limits of the entire ruling class: politicians, businessmen and women but also of culture. "
Four years to the publication of "Gomorrah," the gangs are more or less powerful?
"There were thinning of the branches of the military criminal groups, in economic terms there was no great contrast because there was a European conflict. No, I would not say that today are less strong. "
And the judiciary is more or less strong?
" I feel as a scholar that the judiciary is the weakest because the media campaigns against judges and pm's have caused the loss of authority: the climate for them is not the best. And on the other hand, the current internal battles between the judiciary are losing the helm: entire prosecution split for these reasons do not work well. The weakness of the judiciary I hear a lot: than when I wrote "Gomorrah" I feel a crisis of effectiveness and confidence. "
Italy is the home of the courses and claims history. Which phase of our past, recalls the crisis we are experiencing?
"There are two historical moments that help me in trying to understand the present. The first floor on the skin feel, I have not experienced first hand. He's the one that preceded the massacres of 1992. When I talk to prosecutors and investigators feel the same fear, the fear that the boss could give a shove to the country, raising the bar and establishing conditions for the near future. I think of those phrases written in prison by Francesco "Sandokan" Schiavone who warned family by a "snowball" as if to say at this time of crisis, whatever we do the consequences would be enormous and we stop them and redesigning the way destiny. "
And the second reference?
" The climate of post-unification 150 years ago. Interior Minister John Nicotera by former partisan, the issue of the South: the South was occupied not unified. I now feel so much the desire of a part of Europe, even before the League, to rid the South of Italy and see a Southern ruling class, with few exceptions, disoriented if not corrupt. The South seems divided between conniving and resigned, who is in it and who is honest but lost hope. " (La Repubblica, May 27, 2010)
interview Gianluca Di Feo Roberto Saviano on the new Act to wiretapping 'the Parliament.
I disobey. Roberto Saviano has no doubts: "I will try to continue working as if this law did not exist." Why does the text approved in committee on wiretapping Justice "is a real labor of inquiry castration" and above all a gift from the mafia "who can communicate easily and hide the mechanics of their power."
Four years since the release of "Gomorra," the writer does not see reducing the strength of organized crime and feels "the growing fragility of the judiciary." It receives a climate very similar to that which preceded the massacres of 1992, those spectacular attacks against symbolic targets, men and monuments that have changed the history of Italy: "Even if today the boss decided to raise the bar could make a shoulder to the country and choose how to widen. I think the words of Francesco "Sandokan" Schiavone who has evoked a "snowball." In a Roman Saviano terrace you can enjoy the sunset checked after the umpteenth time this spring's dark, dark eyes roam chasing any movement but it is curious anything but distracted always try to look beyond and understand the evolution of moral and economic crisis. playmobil puppets on the table that gave him a small fan, a gunman and a policeman to the teeth with only a truncheon, almost a metaphor for the Italian situation.
If the text of the law on wiretapping will not be changed, the gangs will be more advantaged by the limits on plays or a ban on publication?
"The biggest advantage is the ease of communication. Today, with most animals held for them is increasingly difficult to transmit orders and then manage organizations. Take in prison interviews with family members, the oldest system used to continue to operate. Bidognetti boss in meetings with partner Anna Carrino continually touched his face as if he was stroking his beard. He wanted to tell her: "Please refer to Sandokan." When the woman began to cooperate, he told the judges that it took a dozen interviews to understand what the meaning of that gesture. If the law passes, they will have more of these problems. "
Similarly mafias can communicate even in silence, with the ostentatious signs in the area.
"And that makes it even more important interceptions. The thing that impressed me most is that sometimes there are performances that do not require an order: it happens, as if it were a rule that is in things. I remember ' Federico Del Prete murder of trade unionist in 2002 in Casal di Principe: there was no need for a meeting between heads but only a tacit, when he informed the leadership that was ill-born who went to kill is not that it took bother to seek permission to Sandokan and Bidognetti. It becomes essential to rely on listening to wiretaps and bugs: allows you to understand the context in which certain actions then becomes automatic. "
These dynamics are described in" Gomorrah "and many other books. How can a parliamentary committee that deals with justice in ignore them? To what extent there is bad faith in granting a benefit similar to godparents?
"There is a segment where incompetence and bad faith can be the same. The incompetence is: they want to create a rule for certain benefits while ignoring the effects in the fight against the Mafia. But bad faith is not a direct help to the criminal. Although it is declining because the contrast to the clans as "military force" has only beat them in and seize the assets most striking. This action is important but so is cutting your arms without hitting his head and without eradicating the body. And the excuse of military conflict in bad faith and incompetence can overlap.
So just to protect politicians and other white-collar workers, ensuring their privacy at all costs, it gives an assist to the mafia?
"But the issue of privacy should not be underestimated. I am convinced that the issue of wiretapping today things are not going well: I feel that we need to find new rules, but can not be imposed from above and use the expression again militarily. A democracy needs of shared rules: judges, journalists, lawyers and legislators should sit around a table and develop effective proposals. Because even if there is a protection of privacy must make distinctions: the comments are really something personal, the other is call the manufacturer on the night of the earthquake Abruzzo says, "I'm laughing." That must come in the acts and must be disclosed: the context shows that led to the crime. That is to say that the border of privacy is labile and is especially common sense, which many newspaper editors often do not seem to have. This creates distrust in the reader. "
If the law gets passed, in many newsrooms you begin to rely on civil disobedience. What do you think?
"I can not advise but I know what I'll do. I disobey, I will continue working as if this law did not exist, sorry for the lost opportunity to create new shared rules. Why teach the lesson of American journalism that is the ability to set rules, avoiding the easy shots and gossip shortcuts Photo effect, which makes them strong inquiries. But I think the law is being formulated as a castration is real labor of inquiry: the will to disobey my answer. And I hope that my disobedience is supported by investigators from the police, by All such bodies with which converted from four years: I hope that my "extended family" will help me to disobey. "
Journalists and writers can disobey and challenge the arrest. But the law introducing heavy fines for publishers, creating a deterrent to publication. In these conditions, the Web can become an island of freedom?
"The Web is free. I'm on Facebook I have a new life: my page has more than half a million supporters, what I write there comes to most readers that a national newspaper. The Internet is powerful as a tool to spread the truth but lacks authority. The Web is a communication tool while newspapers are an instrument of democracy: they create debate, have an editorial staff, rely on the loyalty of the player. In 50 years it will also be the Web tool but today is not mature. For this gag news and daily means silencing the most authoritative sources ".
She now has a personality, a celebrity: he feels the weight of attention on her private life?
" I'm used to it: I have seven people escorts who keep what I do 24 hours a day. But for security reasons I must keep hidden life of my family. In this sense I understand when you invoke the right to privacy because it coincides with me with the right to life ".
In market news today is worth more to talk about good or evil Saviano?
"When you saturate the market should speak well to speak ill, but not Saviano, anyone. I do not want to venture in comparison to where I feel inferior to Diego Armando Maradona, a legend in my youth, and even Barack Obama: when he spoke too positive, and attack it should change. It is part of the game, but in my situation that I regret is that I am not a politician, I do not represent my constituents. I am a writer and I'm representative of my word and just. "
But last autumn when she took the stage of Piazza del Popolo in defense of press freedom, has taken a political position.
"Yes, but in the Platonic sense of the word: politics as public art, which unfortunately does not consider the Italians or the division of the pie. I'm not up on stage with the flag of a party and I always wondered sharing positions even of my electorate's center. The President Gianfranco Fini when I defended by claims of Emilio Fede said he did so many of my readers in the name of the PDL. "
So you will have a position "political" only on certain topics?
"Yes, in that sense I do politics, in the sense of the battle of ideas. I feel lucky and privileged I have an autonomous space to do so. Typically, those seeking the battle of ideas must pay the duty, if not the shame of militancy in the party, which means having to come to terms with administrative minutiae, lists and organizational troubles. I am reminded of a passage of "The Betrothed" in which Father Christopher has to face troubles and problems of African newspapers while Charles Borromeo can think about good and evil. At this time the battle of ideas is the space where I feel free. "
you feel more free without a" party Saviano "but we also feel stronger? After Piazza del Popolo were not reduced the scope for communicate your ideas?
"We are reduced because I have become obnoxious to certain political parties. But I still talk to their electorate and I am convinced that this is the element that most annoys them. I remember when I went to the University Roma Tre: outside posters were blacks with white writing "Saviano hero" and "O" turned into a Celtic cross, and red posters that read "Saviano my friend." It was really fun because I was not allowed to have this union. It seems rhetorical but sometimes the truth is, rhetoric has been the law, the idea that at least one thing - the contrast to the mafia - can not be divided. "
shares the Elio Germano's words from the stage in Cannes that he dedicated the award to Italy "in spite of its ruling class"?
"A dedication absolutely right. It is important to refer to that part of the country that wants to do and do well. And it is right to point out that the limits of the entire ruling class: politicians, businessmen and women but also of culture. "
Four years to the publication of "Gomorrah," the gangs are more or less powerful?
"There were thinning of the branches of the military criminal groups, in economic terms there was no great contrast because there was a European conflict. No, I would not say that today are less strong. "
And the judiciary is more or less strong?
" I feel as a scholar that the judiciary is the weakest because the media campaigns against judges and pm's have caused the loss of authority: the climate for them is not the best. And on the other hand, the current internal battles between the judiciary are losing the helm: entire prosecution split for these reasons do not work well. The weakness of the judiciary I hear a lot: than when I wrote "Gomorrah" I feel a crisis of effectiveness and confidence. "
Italy is the home of the courses and claims history. Which phase of our past, recalls the crisis we are experiencing?
"There are two historical moments that help me in trying to understand the present. The first floor on the skin feel, I have not experienced first hand. He's the one that preceded the massacres of 1992. When I talk to prosecutors and investigators feel the same fear, the fear that the boss could give a shove to the country, raising the bar and establishing conditions for the near future. I think of those phrases written in prison by Francesco "Sandokan" Schiavone who warned family by a "snowball" as if to say at this time of crisis, whatever we do the consequences would be enormous and we stop them and redesigning the way destiny. "
And the second reference?
" The climate of post-unification 150 years ago. Interior Minister John Nicotera by former partisan, the issue of the South: the South was occupied not unified. I now feel so much the desire of a part of Europe, even before the League, to rid the South of Italy and see a Southern ruling class, with few exceptions, disoriented if not corrupt. The South seems divided between conniving and resigned, who is in it and who is honest but lost hope. " (La Repubblica, May 27, 2010)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Recovering From Shingles Breast
Us against the law (Umberto Eco)
is known the definition of democracy as a flawed system but which has not yet found anything better. From this it follows reasonable assumption, for most people, the mistaken belief that democracy (the best or the least worst system of government) is that for which the majority is always right. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democracy is the system which, since it is difficult to define in terms of quality who has more reason than others, it uses a low quantity, but objectively verifiable: in a democracy governs who gets more support. And if anyone believes that the majority is wrong, worse for him if he accepted the principles that democratic governments must accept a majority that is wrong.
One of the functions of the opposition is to demonstrate that the majority was wrong. And if you can not do it? Then we have, in addition to poor majority, even a bad opposition. How many times the majority can be wrong? For millennia, the majority of men believed that the sun revolved around the earth (and, considering the vast areas of low literacy in the world, and the fact that opinion polls in more advanced countries have shown that many Westerners still believe that the sun turns) here a good case in which the majority is not only wrong but you are wrong again. The majority were wrong to believe Beethoven or Picasso unlistenable unwatchable, the majority Jerusalem is wrong to prefer Barabbas to Jesus, the majority of Americans are wrong to believe that two eggs and bacon every morning and a nice steak meal is no guarantee of good health, the majority was wrong to prefer bears to Terence and (perhaps ) is still wrong to prefer "The pupa and the geek" to Sophocles. For centuries the majority of people felt that there were witches and that it was right to burn it, in the seventeenth century the majority of the Milanese believed that the plague was caused by the spreaders, the vast majority of Westerners, including Voltaire, considered legitimate and natural slavery, the majority of Europeans believed that it was noble and sacred colonize Africa. In politics
Hitler came to power by a coup but was elected by the majority, Mussolini established the dictatorship after the assassination of Matteotti but first enjoyed a parliamentary majority, even if that room despised "dull and gray." It would be unfair play of paradoxes and therefore say that the majority is the one that's always wrong, but certainly not always right. In the appeal to the political will of the people only have legal force ("I have a right to govern because I received more votes") but does not allow quantitative data be drawn from this theoretical and ethical consequences ("I have the majority of the votes and therefore are better ").
In some areas of Sicily and Campania the Mafia and the Camorra have a majority of the vote but it would be difficult to conclude that they are therefore represented the best of those noble people. Recently I read a journalist government (but was not the only use for that matter) that the case nell'ironizzare Santoro (now happily bipartisan target), said that he had the curious belief that the majority of Italians were bent willingly to be sodomized by Berlusconi. Now I do not think that Berlusconi has never sodomized anyone, but it is certain that a substantial amount of Italian allows him without realizing that their favorite is slowly eroding their freedoms. Erode the freedom of a country usually means putting act in a violent coup and establish a dictatorship. If this happens, voters will notice it and, although they are not under tion coup that has changed with him. The coup was replaced by the rustle of State. The idea of \u200b\u200ba transformation of structures of government through violent action Berlusconi's genius was and is to be implemented very slowly, little step by little step, in an extremely lubricated.
Think of unnecessary violence with which fascism, to silence the voice of Matteotti uncomfortable, he had to kill him. Things to medieval times. It would not be enough to pay him a good exit megagalattico (and incidentally, not with government money but with those of citizens paying the fee)? Mussolini was really a man rozzissimo. When a transformation of the institutions of the country takes place step by step, ie for small doses, it is difficult to say that each, taken by itself could create a dictatorship - and in fact he does is when some cassandra sbertucciata. The fact is that for a new populism media dictatorship is the same antiquated system that serves no purpose. You can change the structures of the state at will and according to their own interest without initiating any dictatorship.
We can say that the immunity law prefigures a tyranny? Nonsense. And moderation interceptions really careful to freedom of information? But come on, if someone has murder everyone will know the case to trial, and avoid speaking in advance of the alleged crimes only respects the privacy of where ever each of us. Would you like to go in the newspapers that your conversation with her lover, so it came to know your lady? No, of course. And if the price is that the conversation is not intercepted or corrupted by a powerful mafia in the permanent service of a real, well, our privacy will be a good price. Do you think fascism reduce funding for public schools? But we have to save all, and one needs to set an example by starting with the collective costs. And if this country over to private schools? It will not be the end of the world, there are very good. You Stalinism unwatchable make the news public networks? No, if ever the old dictatorships did everything to make the radio very affectionate. But if this goes in favor of private networks? Well, it appears that Stalin had never favored the private television?
Here, the function of creeping coups is that the constitutional changes are hardly perceived, or are perceived as irrelevant. And where the amount of product will not the second but the third Republic, it will be too late. Not because you could not go back, but because the majority will have absorbed the changes as natural and you will, so to speak, mitridatizzata. A new Malaparte could write a treatise on superb this new technique rustle of State. Even in the face of it because each and every protest and complaint challenging loses value seems that those who complain about giving the body the shadows.
Pessimism global, then? No, trust in benign weather and its continued erosion. A transformation of the institutions that small steps may not have time to take place at all, may be halfway smandrappamenti, fatigue, power failures, mishaps. It is a bit like the joke about the difference between hell and hell German Italian. In both the morning dip in the hot gas, electric chair at noon, rendering the evening. Except that one day in hell Italian petrol does not arrive, another power plant is on strike, and another patient was given the Executioner ... Cut the head of the king or occupy the Winter Palace is something that is done in five minutes. Poison someone with small doses of arsenic in the soup takes a long time, and in the meantime who knows who will live. For now, resist, resist, resist. (L'Espresso, 27 May 2010)
is known the definition of democracy as a flawed system but which has not yet found anything better. From this it follows reasonable assumption, for most people, the mistaken belief that democracy (the best or the least worst system of government) is that for which the majority is always right. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democracy is the system which, since it is difficult to define in terms of quality who has more reason than others, it uses a low quantity, but objectively verifiable: in a democracy governs who gets more support. And if anyone believes that the majority is wrong, worse for him if he accepted the principles that democratic governments must accept a majority that is wrong.
One of the functions of the opposition is to demonstrate that the majority was wrong. And if you can not do it? Then we have, in addition to poor majority, even a bad opposition. How many times the majority can be wrong? For millennia, the majority of men believed that the sun revolved around the earth (and, considering the vast areas of low literacy in the world, and the fact that opinion polls in more advanced countries have shown that many Westerners still believe that the sun turns) here a good case in which the majority is not only wrong but you are wrong again. The majority were wrong to believe Beethoven or Picasso unlistenable unwatchable, the majority Jerusalem is wrong to prefer Barabbas to Jesus, the majority of Americans are wrong to believe that two eggs and bacon every morning and a nice steak meal is no guarantee of good health, the majority was wrong to prefer bears to Terence and (perhaps ) is still wrong to prefer "The pupa and the geek" to Sophocles. For centuries the majority of people felt that there were witches and that it was right to burn it, in the seventeenth century the majority of the Milanese believed that the plague was caused by the spreaders, the vast majority of Westerners, including Voltaire, considered legitimate and natural slavery, the majority of Europeans believed that it was noble and sacred colonize Africa. In politics
Hitler came to power by a coup but was elected by the majority, Mussolini established the dictatorship after the assassination of Matteotti but first enjoyed a parliamentary majority, even if that room despised "dull and gray." It would be unfair play of paradoxes and therefore say that the majority is the one that's always wrong, but certainly not always right. In the appeal to the political will of the people only have legal force ("I have a right to govern because I received more votes") but does not allow quantitative data be drawn from this theoretical and ethical consequences ("I have the majority of the votes and therefore are better ").
In some areas of Sicily and Campania the Mafia and the Camorra have a majority of the vote but it would be difficult to conclude that they are therefore represented the best of those noble people. Recently I read a journalist government (but was not the only use for that matter) that the case nell'ironizzare Santoro (now happily bipartisan target), said that he had the curious belief that the majority of Italians were bent willingly to be sodomized by Berlusconi. Now I do not think that Berlusconi has never sodomized anyone, but it is certain that a substantial amount of Italian allows him without realizing that their favorite is slowly eroding their freedoms. Erode the freedom of a country usually means putting act in a violent coup and establish a dictatorship. If this happens, voters will notice it and, although they are not under tion coup that has changed with him. The coup was replaced by the rustle of State. The idea of \u200b\u200ba transformation of structures of government through violent action Berlusconi's genius was and is to be implemented very slowly, little step by little step, in an extremely lubricated.
Think of unnecessary violence with which fascism, to silence the voice of Matteotti uncomfortable, he had to kill him. Things to medieval times. It would not be enough to pay him a good exit megagalattico (and incidentally, not with government money but with those of citizens paying the fee)? Mussolini was really a man rozzissimo. When a transformation of the institutions of the country takes place step by step, ie for small doses, it is difficult to say that each, taken by itself could create a dictatorship - and in fact he does is when some cassandra sbertucciata. The fact is that for a new populism media dictatorship is the same antiquated system that serves no purpose. You can change the structures of the state at will and according to their own interest without initiating any dictatorship.
We can say that the immunity law prefigures a tyranny? Nonsense. And moderation interceptions really careful to freedom of information? But come on, if someone has murder everyone will know the case to trial, and avoid speaking in advance of the alleged crimes only respects the privacy of where ever each of us. Would you like to go in the newspapers that your conversation with her lover, so it came to know your lady? No, of course. And if the price is that the conversation is not intercepted or corrupted by a powerful mafia in the permanent service of a real, well, our privacy will be a good price. Do you think fascism reduce funding for public schools? But we have to save all, and one needs to set an example by starting with the collective costs. And if this country over to private schools? It will not be the end of the world, there are very good. You Stalinism unwatchable make the news public networks? No, if ever the old dictatorships did everything to make the radio very affectionate. But if this goes in favor of private networks? Well, it appears that Stalin had never favored the private television?
Here, the function of creeping coups is that the constitutional changes are hardly perceived, or are perceived as irrelevant. And where the amount of product will not the second but the third Republic, it will be too late. Not because you could not go back, but because the majority will have absorbed the changes as natural and you will, so to speak, mitridatizzata. A new Malaparte could write a treatise on superb this new technique rustle of State. Even in the face of it because each and every protest and complaint challenging loses value seems that those who complain about giving the body the shadows.
Pessimism global, then? No, trust in benign weather and its continued erosion. A transformation of the institutions that small steps may not have time to take place at all, may be halfway smandrappamenti, fatigue, power failures, mishaps. It is a bit like the joke about the difference between hell and hell German Italian. In both the morning dip in the hot gas, electric chair at noon, rendering the evening. Except that one day in hell Italian petrol does not arrive, another power plant is on strike, and another patient was given the Executioner ... Cut the head of the king or occupy the Winter Palace is something that is done in five minutes. Poison someone with small doses of arsenic in the soup takes a long time, and in the meantime who knows who will live. For now, resist, resist, resist. (L'Espresso, 27 May 2010)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
How Do You Make A Herpes Modle
"The Premier wants me to shut up, but not silent on the clan ever" (Roberto Saviano)
writer: "Absurd prefer silence, Berlusconi apologize to the victims."
President Silvio Berlusconi, after I write in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi is from her been accused, even my book has been accused of being responsible for "promotional support to the thighs." Are not new allegations. I get asked for years: to stop a moment to think about what his words mean. How many reporters, social workers, those lawyers, judges, magistrates, how many writers, directors, but also to those citizens who for years, in certain parts of Italy, they find the strength to tell, to expose themselves to object, think to those who have risked and still are risking and yet are accused of being supporters of criminal organizations for only want to talk about. Why it's better for her not to say. And 'best fiction of silence. Visa and left out. Of letting to the police to the courts as if the gangs were theirs. Their business. And the mafia want their businesses exactly what they are, what exactly is our expression even before it became the name of an organization.
I believe that only the truth and only serves to give dignity to a country. The mafia is determined by who tells the crime or the perpetrators of the crime?
The role of the 'Ndrangheta, the Camorra, the Cosa Nostra is determined by its turnover - a hundred billion euro profit a year - a turnover which exceeds by far the most granite Italian companies. This can not be said? You yourself have submitted a figure that speaks for the seizure to the mafia value of ten billion euro. This means that the writers have to invent? To exaggerate? To commit crimes with their word? Why? Michele Greek Mafia boss who died in prison in the trial against him, defended himself by saying that "it was all because of The Godfather in Sicily where they were instructed trials against the Mafia. Nicholas Schiavone, the father of boss Walter Schiavone Francesco Schiavone, before the cameras confirmed that the Camorra was the head of the writer of the Camorra, the phenomenon was only linked to street crime and that I was myself who wrote the real Camorra of these stories when told that the Camorra was firm, cement, waste policy.
For clan in recent years have seen tell, the word has always represented an affront because it made all information and behaviors that they wanted to stay a few. Because when the word makes universal citizenship to those who were previously considered as separate arguments, so far, for a few, and in that which is being called an intervention of all, a commitment of many, a decision no longer applies only to the public and black reporters. Remember the words of Paolo Borsellino in memory of Giovanni Falcone spoken just before he was killed. "The fight against the Mafia is the first problem to be solved ... must not only be a separate work of repression, but a moral and cultural movement that involves everyone and especially young generations to push them feel the beauty of the fresh air of freedom which reject the stench of moral compromise of the indifference of contiguity and thus complicity. I remember the happiness of Falcone when in a short period of enthusiasm, I said, the people cheering for us. And this is not meant to refer only to the comfort that it gives moral support to the work of judges, especially meant that our work was also to stir the conscience. "
The silence is what they want. They want it all boils down to a problem between cops and robbers. But it is not. E 'showing, showing that you have the chance to have a contrast. Caserta The same plan that his government has has been implemented is because the light on the organization of Casale first known only to insiders and those who suffered its blackmail.
Yet his accusation is not new. Many personalities of the center-field, when the book came out, they said that I had defamed the Neapolitan Renaissance, which I had advertised that mine was just an insane desire to appear. When you leave there's a fire escape those who set fire and blames those who gave the alarm? Looking at those who paid with his life fighting for the truth, I find it absurd and disheartening to think that silence is the only way recommended. Yet President, he could have said many things to demonstrate the commitment of the Italian mafia. He could tell you that Italy is the country with the best anti-mafia legislation in the world. He might remind us of how we Italians know how antimafia to half the world. Criminal organizations in this stage of general crisis are infiltrating in the financial and economic systems of the West today and Italian experts are called to give information to assist governments to combat criminal organizations of any genealogy. E 'dramatic - and we know many - to be labeled an Italian mafia every time exceeds the boundaries of his land. Of course it is. But it is the silence that we show to be different and better.
Spreading the value of responsibility, the courage of saying, the value of the complaint, the strength of the prosecution, we can change things. Accusing
who tells the power of organized crime to make bad publicity the country is not a way to improve the image of Italian but rather to isolate those who do so. Telling is the way to embracing change. This is the only way to prove that we are the country of Giovanni Falcone, Don Peppe Diana, not the country of Toto Riina and Schiavone Sandokan. I believe that there is no mafia in the battle a right or a left to stay with. I simply believe that there is a movement in which cultural and moral vacuum. I will continue to speak to all, whatever be the political, and above all to his constituents, President, many of whom, I believe, will be stunned and outraged by his words. I ask her constituents, I ask the voters of the PDL to help refute his words. It 'the only way to restore the right direction to fight against the Mafia. Ask you not to apologize to me - now I'm used to - but the relatives of victims of all those who have fallen telling. I am an author who has published his books for Mondadori and Einaudi, both publishing houses owned by his family. I always thought that the history of the game from afar Mondadori was fully in line to accept a kind of narrative as mine, I thought he had the tools to validate also strong positions, different schools of thought. After his words I do not know if it will be longer. And I do not know if it will be for all the authors who have dealt with mafia expose themselves and that Mondadori and Einaudi in recent years have published. The thing I do is meeting people in the publishing house which over the years have worked with me, men and women who believed in my words and have managed to get my stories to the public. People who have often had to defend yourself from being editor, press offices, officers, "bought". And instead so far have done a great job. And 'I want answers from them.
One thing is certain: I, like many others, continue to tell. I'll use the word as a way to share, to adjust the world to understand. I was born, Mr President, in a land of wonders and are devastated, but whose beauty continues to give me strength to dream about the possibility of a different Italy. An Italy that can change only if the south can change. I swear President, on behalf of the Italians who consider their dead all those who have fallen fighting organized crime, that there will be silent day. This I promise. A loud. (© 2010 Roberto Saviano / Agency Santachiara)
writer: "Absurd prefer silence, Berlusconi apologize to the victims."
President Silvio Berlusconi, after I write in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi is from her been accused, even my book has been accused of being responsible for "promotional support to the thighs." Are not new allegations. I get asked for years: to stop a moment to think about what his words mean. How many reporters, social workers, those lawyers, judges, magistrates, how many writers, directors, but also to those citizens who for years, in certain parts of Italy, they find the strength to tell, to expose themselves to object, think to those who have risked and still are risking and yet are accused of being supporters of criminal organizations for only want to talk about. Why it's better for her not to say. And 'best fiction of silence. Visa and left out. Of letting to the police to the courts as if the gangs were theirs. Their business. And the mafia want their businesses exactly what they are, what exactly is our expression even before it became the name of an organization.
I believe that only the truth and only serves to give dignity to a country. The mafia is determined by who tells the crime or the perpetrators of the crime?
The role of the 'Ndrangheta, the Camorra, the Cosa Nostra is determined by its turnover - a hundred billion euro profit a year - a turnover which exceeds by far the most granite Italian companies. This can not be said? You yourself have submitted a figure that speaks for the seizure to the mafia value of ten billion euro. This means that the writers have to invent? To exaggerate? To commit crimes with their word? Why? Michele Greek Mafia boss who died in prison in the trial against him, defended himself by saying that "it was all because of The Godfather in Sicily where they were instructed trials against the Mafia. Nicholas Schiavone, the father of boss Walter Schiavone Francesco Schiavone, before the cameras confirmed that the Camorra was the head of the writer of the Camorra, the phenomenon was only linked to street crime and that I was myself who wrote the real Camorra of these stories when told that the Camorra was firm, cement, waste policy.
For clan in recent years have seen tell, the word has always represented an affront because it made all information and behaviors that they wanted to stay a few. Because when the word makes universal citizenship to those who were previously considered as separate arguments, so far, for a few, and in that which is being called an intervention of all, a commitment of many, a decision no longer applies only to the public and black reporters. Remember the words of Paolo Borsellino in memory of Giovanni Falcone spoken just before he was killed. "The fight against the Mafia is the first problem to be solved ... must not only be a separate work of repression, but a moral and cultural movement that involves everyone and especially young generations to push them feel the beauty of the fresh air of freedom which reject the stench of moral compromise of the indifference of contiguity and thus complicity. I remember the happiness of Falcone when in a short period of enthusiasm, I said, the people cheering for us. And this is not meant to refer only to the comfort that it gives moral support to the work of judges, especially meant that our work was also to stir the conscience. "
The silence is what they want. They want it all boils down to a problem between cops and robbers. But it is not. E 'showing, showing that you have the chance to have a contrast. Caserta The same plan that his government has has been implemented is because the light on the organization of Casale first known only to insiders and those who suffered its blackmail.
Yet his accusation is not new. Many personalities of the center-field, when the book came out, they said that I had defamed the Neapolitan Renaissance, which I had advertised that mine was just an insane desire to appear. When you leave there's a fire escape those who set fire and blames those who gave the alarm? Looking at those who paid with his life fighting for the truth, I find it absurd and disheartening to think that silence is the only way recommended. Yet President, he could have said many things to demonstrate the commitment of the Italian mafia. He could tell you that Italy is the country with the best anti-mafia legislation in the world. He might remind us of how we Italians know how antimafia to half the world. Criminal organizations in this stage of general crisis are infiltrating in the financial and economic systems of the West today and Italian experts are called to give information to assist governments to combat criminal organizations of any genealogy. E 'dramatic - and we know many - to be labeled an Italian mafia every time exceeds the boundaries of his land. Of course it is. But it is the silence that we show to be different and better.
Spreading the value of responsibility, the courage of saying, the value of the complaint, the strength of the prosecution, we can change things. Accusing
who tells the power of organized crime to make bad publicity the country is not a way to improve the image of Italian but rather to isolate those who do so. Telling is the way to embracing change. This is the only way to prove that we are the country of Giovanni Falcone, Don Peppe Diana, not the country of Toto Riina and Schiavone Sandokan. I believe that there is no mafia in the battle a right or a left to stay with. I simply believe that there is a movement in which cultural and moral vacuum. I will continue to speak to all, whatever be the political, and above all to his constituents, President, many of whom, I believe, will be stunned and outraged by his words. I ask her constituents, I ask the voters of the PDL to help refute his words. It 'the only way to restore the right direction to fight against the Mafia. Ask you not to apologize to me - now I'm used to - but the relatives of victims of all those who have fallen telling. I am an author who has published his books for Mondadori and Einaudi, both publishing houses owned by his family. I always thought that the history of the game from afar Mondadori was fully in line to accept a kind of narrative as mine, I thought he had the tools to validate also strong positions, different schools of thought. After his words I do not know if it will be longer. And I do not know if it will be for all the authors who have dealt with mafia expose themselves and that Mondadori and Einaudi in recent years have published. The thing I do is meeting people in the publishing house which over the years have worked with me, men and women who believed in my words and have managed to get my stories to the public. People who have often had to defend yourself from being editor, press offices, officers, "bought". And instead so far have done a great job. And 'I want answers from them.
One thing is certain: I, like many others, continue to tell. I'll use the word as a way to share, to adjust the world to understand. I was born, Mr President, in a land of wonders and are devastated, but whose beauty continues to give me strength to dream about the possibility of a different Italy. An Italy that can change only if the south can change. I swear President, on behalf of the Italians who consider their dead all those who have fallen fighting organized crime, that there will be silent day. This I promise. A loud. (© 2010 Roberto Saviano / Agency Santachiara)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Andy's Hot Fries- Halal?
unsuccessful Benedict XVI, Catholics lose confidence (Hans Küng)
Letter the theologian Hans Küng Bishops
1962-1965, Joseph Ratzinger - now Benedict XVI - and I were the two younger theologians of the Council. Today we are older, and the only still in business. I have always understood my commitment to theology as a service to the Church. For this reason, driven by concern about the crisis of confidence prevailing in our Church, the deepest on record since the Reformation to the present, I turn to you, to mark the fifth anniversary of his election to the papacy of Pope Benedict with an open letter. This is actually the only means available to get in touch with you. I really enjoyed his time at the invitation of Pope Benedict, who in spite of the My critical stance towards it I agreed, shortly after the beginning of his pontificate, a four-hour interview, which took place in a friendly way. I was suddenly hope that Joseph Ratzinger, former colleague at the University of Tübingen, however, would find the way to a further renewal of the Church and ecumenical understanding, in the spirit of Vatican II. Unfortunately, my hopes, like those of so many believers who are living with commitment to the Catholic faith, have not come true, I got to know him more than once to Pope Benedict in the correspondence I had with him. Certainly he has never failed to comply scrupulously with the daily tasks of the papacy, and also has made a gift of three beneficial encyclical on faith, hope and love. But in spite of the greatest challenges of our time demonstrates his pontificate every day as another opportunity lost for not having been able to grasp a range of opportunities:
- You missed the approximation to the evangelical churches, even not considered as Churches in the proper sense of the term, hence the Impossible by a recognition of his authority and a joint celebration of the Eucharist.
- Has there been a continuing dialogue with Jews, the pope has reintroduced the use of pre-Council of the Jewish prayer for illumination, has taken on some bishops in the Church known schismatics and anti-Semitic and supports the beatification of Pius XII, and takes seriously the only Judaism as historical roots of Christianity, and not as a community of faith that still pursues its own path to salvation. Jews around the world have expressed outrage at the words of the Preacher of the Papal Household, who during the liturgy of Good Friday compared the criticism of the pope anti-Semitic persecution.
- With Muslims has failed to carry on a dialogue based on trust. Symptomatic of this is the speech by the pope in Regensburg: ill-advised, Benedict XVI gave a picture of Islam caricature, describing it as a religion and inhuman violent and fueling distrust among Muslims.
- Has there been a reconciliation with the natives of Latin America: in all seriousness, the pope said that those colonized people "yearn" to accept the religion of the conquerors of Europe.
- was not taken the opportunity to come to the aid of people in Africa in the fight against overpopulation and AIDS, supporting contraception and condom use.
- was not taken the opportunity to reconcile with modern science, recognizing unequivocally the theory of evolution and adherence, albeit with the necessary differentiation, new research perspectives, for example on stem cells.
- has failed to take Finally, within the Vatican itself, the spirit of Vatican II as a compass of the Catholic Church, carrying out his reforms.
latter point, esteemed bishops, is crucial. This pope has never ceased to relativize the Council texts, interpretations regressive and contrary to the spirit of the Council Fathers, and even going as to expressly oppose the ecumenical council, which represents, according to canon law, the supreme authority of Catholic Church:
- accepted in the Catholic Church, without any precondition, the traditionalist bishops of the Society S. Pius X, ordered illegally outside the Catholic Church, who objected to the council on some of its essential
- promoted by every means the medieval Tridentine Mass, and occasionally he celebrates the Eucharist in Latin, turning back to the faithful;
- does not realize the expected agreement with the Anglican Church in the ecumenical officers (ARCIC), but tries to attract the married Anglican priests to the Roman Catholic Church to waive the requirement of celibacy.
- has increased, worldwide, anticonciliari forces within the Church through the appointment of senior anticonciliari (eg.: Secretary of State, Congregation for the Liturgy) and reactionary bishops.
Pope Benedict XVI seems to be moving further away from the great majority of the people of the Church, which is indeed already led to neglect of what is happening in Rome, and at best identifies with your parish or with the local bishop .
I know many of you suffer from this situation: the politics of anti-conciliar pope has the full support of the Roman Curia, which seeks to stifle criticism and the episcopate in the Church, and to discredit the dissenters by any means. In Rome, seeking accreditation, by repeated performances of baroque splendor and events of great impact in the media, the image of a strong Church, with a "vicar of Christ "absolutist, bringing together into their own hands the powers legislative, executive and judiciary. But the policy of restoration of Benedict XVI has failed. His public appearances, his travels, his documents are not served to influence the direction of the Roman doctrine the ideas of the majority of Catholics on various controversial issues, especially on sexual morality. Even his meetings with young people, largely members of conservative groups charismatic guidance, were able to stop the defections from the Church, or to increase vocations to the priesthood.
In your role as bishops you are certainly the first to suffer painfully to the withdrawal of tens of thousands of priests, which since the days of Council to date have resigned from their jobs mainly because of the law on celibacy. The problem of young players not only priests but also religious orders, nuns, consecrated lay people: the decrease is both quantitatively and qualitatively. The resignation and frustration spread among the clergy, and especially among its most active members, many feel abandoned in their distress, and suffering from the Church. In many of your diocese is likely to increase in the number of empty churches, seminaries and priests empty. In many countries, with the claims of ecclesiastical reform, it was decided the merger of many parishes, often against their will, to form giant "pastoral units" entrusted to a small number of priests burdened with a heavy load of work.
And finally, the many signals of the current crisis will come in the appalling scandal of abuse by members of the clergy on thousands of children and adolescents in the United States, Ireland, Germany and elsewhere, and this is accompanied by a leadership crisis, a crisis of confidence without precedent. One can not fail to mention the fact that the world system of concealment of sexual abuse of clergy respond to the provisions of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (headed between 1981 and 2005 by Cardinal Ratzinger), who from the pontificate of John Paul II gathered , in the strictest secrecy, the documentation on these cases. On May 18, 2001 Joseph Ratzinger sent out a letter to all bishops solemn tones on the most serious crimes ("Epistula de delictis gravioribus"), in the case of abuse by imposing the "secretum Pontificium", the violation shall be punished by the Church severe penalties. E 'therefore reason that many have asked for a personal "mea culpa" to the prefect of the time, now Pope Benedict XVI. Yet it has not seized the opportunity to do the Holy Week, but instead did testify "urbi et orbi" on Easter Sunday, his innocence to the cardinal dean.
For the Catholic Church for all the consequences are devastating scandals emerged, as confirmed by some of its greatest exponents. The generalized suspicion now indiscriminately affects countless pastors and educators of hard work and exemplary conduct. It's up to you, esteemed bishops, ask what will be the future of your diocese and that of our Church. It is not my intention here to propose a reform program. I've done more than once, both before and after the Council. Instead I will confine myself here to submit six proposals, shared - I am convinced - by millions of Catholics who have no voice.
1. Do not be silent. The silence in the face of many serious abuses there to bind. In contrast, whenever you feel that certain laws, regulations or measures have counterproductive effects, you should declare it publicly. Do not write letters in Rome to make an act of submission and devotion, but to demand reform!
2. Put hand in reform initiatives. Many in the Church and the episcopate, complain of Rome, but never take action. But if today in this community or the diocese or the parish Mass desert, where the pastoral work is ineffective, if there is no opening to the problems and ills of the world, if the ecumenical cooperation is reduced to a minimum, we can not download all the blame on Rome. Everyone, from bishop to priest or layman, must be committed to the renewal of the Church in their living environment, whether large or small. Many extraordinary things in the community and more generally within the Church, were born from the initiative of individuals or small groups. It is up to you, in your capacity as bishops, the task of promoting and supporting such initiatives, as well as to answer, especially now, with the justified grievances of the faithful.
3. Act collectively. The Council has decreed, after a fiery debate and strong opposition against the Curia, the collegiality of the popes and bishops, in analogy to the history of the apostles Peter himself was not acting outside the college of apostles. But in the post-Vatican II, the pope and the curia have ignored this fundamental decision the council. Ever since, just two years after the Council and without any consultation with the Bishops, Pope Paul VI he issued an encyclical in defense of the controversial law on celibacy, politics and the papal teaching resumed operations in accordance with the old style non-collegial. In the same liturgy, the pope looks like an autocrat, before whom the bishops, of whom willingly around, appear as extras without rights and without a voice. Therefore, esteemed bishops, should not only act individually, but together with other bishops, with priests, with women and men who make up the people of the Church.
4. The absolute obedience to God alone should be all of you at the time of the solemn consecration to the episcopal dignity, you have sworn unconditional obedience to the pope. However you also know that absolute obedience is due not to the pope, but only to God why you should not see an obstacle in that oath that stop you from telling the truth on the current crisis of the church, your diocese and your country. Follow the example of the Apostle Paul, who opposed Peter "to his face because he clearly was wrong" (Gal. 2:11). May be legitimately put pressure on the Roman authorities, in a spirit of Christian brotherhood, where these do not adhere to the spirit of the Gospel and their mission. A number of targets - such as the use of national languages \u200b\u200bin the liturgy, the new rules on mixed marriages, the adherence to tolerance, democracy, human rights, and many ecumenical cartel others could only be achieved through a constant and persistent pressure from below.
5. Pursue regional solutions: the Vatican is obviously often deaf to the justified demands of the bishops, priests and laity. All the more reason to bet intelligently to regional solutions. As you know, a particularly sensitive issue is the law on celibacy, a rule of medieval origin, which is now rightly called into question in the context of the worldwide abuse scandal. A change in opposition to Rome is almost impossible, but no one is condemned to passivity. A priest who, after serious reflection has completed its intention to marry should not be forced to resign from office automatically if he could count on the support of his bishop and his community. A single bishops' conference could pave the way for carrying out a regional solution. Better yet would be aimed at a comprehensive settlement for the Church as a whole. So
6. will request the convening of a council: if to get to the liturgical reform, religious freedom, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue there was no need for a council, the same is true today in the face of the problems that arise in terms of both dramatic . A century before the Reformation, the Council of Constance had decided to convene a council every five years, the decision was but rejected by the Roman Curia, which even today will certainly do everything to prevent a council from which they may fear that a limitation of its powers. It is the responsibility of all of you to be able to pass the proposal for a council, or at least representative of Bishops meeting.
This, in front of a church in crisis, is the appeal that appeal to you, esteemed bishops: I invite you to throw your weight on the scale of the episcopal authority, re-evaluated by the Council. In the difficult situation we are facing, the world's eyes are turned to you. Countless Catholics have lost faith in their Church, and the only way to help is to restore to address the problems honestly and openly, to adopt the reforms that this entails. I ask you, in total respect, do your part, if possible in collaboration with other bishops, but only if necessary, with apostolic boldness "(Acts 4,29.31). Give a sign of hope to your people, give a perspective to our Church. I greet you in the communion of the Christian faith.
(Letter to the Bishops of Hans Küng - La Repubblica, April 15, 2010. Swiss theologian Hans Küng is an internationally renowned, best known for its positions in the theological and moral, often critical of the doctrine of the Church Catholic. Between 1962 and 1965 he attended the Second Vatican Council as an expert, appointed by Pope John XXIII)

1962-1965, Joseph Ratzinger - now Benedict XVI - and I were the two younger theologians of the Council. Today we are older, and the only still in business. I have always understood my commitment to theology as a service to the Church. For this reason, driven by concern about the crisis of confidence prevailing in our Church, the deepest on record since the Reformation to the present, I turn to you, to mark the fifth anniversary of his election to the papacy of Pope Benedict with an open letter. This is actually the only means available to get in touch with you. I really enjoyed his time at the invitation of Pope Benedict, who in spite of the My critical stance towards it I agreed, shortly after the beginning of his pontificate, a four-hour interview, which took place in a friendly way. I was suddenly hope that Joseph Ratzinger, former colleague at the University of Tübingen, however, would find the way to a further renewal of the Church and ecumenical understanding, in the spirit of Vatican II. Unfortunately, my hopes, like those of so many believers who are living with commitment to the Catholic faith, have not come true, I got to know him more than once to Pope Benedict in the correspondence I had with him. Certainly he has never failed to comply scrupulously with the daily tasks of the papacy, and also has made a gift of three beneficial encyclical on faith, hope and love. But in spite of the greatest challenges of our time demonstrates his pontificate every day as another opportunity lost for not having been able to grasp a range of opportunities:
- You missed the approximation to the evangelical churches, even not considered as Churches in the proper sense of the term, hence the Impossible by a recognition of his authority and a joint celebration of the Eucharist.
- Has there been a continuing dialogue with Jews, the pope has reintroduced the use of pre-Council of the Jewish prayer for illumination, has taken on some bishops in the Church known schismatics and anti-Semitic and supports the beatification of Pius XII, and takes seriously the only Judaism as historical roots of Christianity, and not as a community of faith that still pursues its own path to salvation. Jews around the world have expressed outrage at the words of the Preacher of the Papal Household, who during the liturgy of Good Friday compared the criticism of the pope anti-Semitic persecution.
- With Muslims has failed to carry on a dialogue based on trust. Symptomatic of this is the speech by the pope in Regensburg: ill-advised, Benedict XVI gave a picture of Islam caricature, describing it as a religion and inhuman violent and fueling distrust among Muslims.
- Has there been a reconciliation with the natives of Latin America: in all seriousness, the pope said that those colonized people "yearn" to accept the religion of the conquerors of Europe.
- was not taken the opportunity to come to the aid of people in Africa in the fight against overpopulation and AIDS, supporting contraception and condom use.
- was not taken the opportunity to reconcile with modern science, recognizing unequivocally the theory of evolution and adherence, albeit with the necessary differentiation, new research perspectives, for example on stem cells.
- has failed to take Finally, within the Vatican itself, the spirit of Vatican II as a compass of the Catholic Church, carrying out his reforms.
latter point, esteemed bishops, is crucial. This pope has never ceased to relativize the Council texts, interpretations regressive and contrary to the spirit of the Council Fathers, and even going as to expressly oppose the ecumenical council, which represents, according to canon law, the supreme authority of Catholic Church:
- accepted in the Catholic Church, without any precondition, the traditionalist bishops of the Society S. Pius X, ordered illegally outside the Catholic Church, who objected to the council on some of its essential
- promoted by every means the medieval Tridentine Mass, and occasionally he celebrates the Eucharist in Latin, turning back to the faithful;
- does not realize the expected agreement with the Anglican Church in the ecumenical officers (ARCIC), but tries to attract the married Anglican priests to the Roman Catholic Church to waive the requirement of celibacy.
- has increased, worldwide, anticonciliari forces within the Church through the appointment of senior anticonciliari (eg.: Secretary of State, Congregation for the Liturgy) and reactionary bishops.
Pope Benedict XVI seems to be moving further away from the great majority of the people of the Church, which is indeed already led to neglect of what is happening in Rome, and at best identifies with your parish or with the local bishop .
I know many of you suffer from this situation: the politics of anti-conciliar pope has the full support of the Roman Curia, which seeks to stifle criticism and the episcopate in the Church, and to discredit the dissenters by any means. In Rome, seeking accreditation, by repeated performances of baroque splendor and events of great impact in the media, the image of a strong Church, with a "vicar of Christ "absolutist, bringing together into their own hands the powers legislative, executive and judiciary. But the policy of restoration of Benedict XVI has failed. His public appearances, his travels, his documents are not served to influence the direction of the Roman doctrine the ideas of the majority of Catholics on various controversial issues, especially on sexual morality. Even his meetings with young people, largely members of conservative groups charismatic guidance, were able to stop the defections from the Church, or to increase vocations to the priesthood.
In your role as bishops you are certainly the first to suffer painfully to the withdrawal of tens of thousands of priests, which since the days of Council to date have resigned from their jobs mainly because of the law on celibacy. The problem of young players not only priests but also religious orders, nuns, consecrated lay people: the decrease is both quantitatively and qualitatively. The resignation and frustration spread among the clergy, and especially among its most active members, many feel abandoned in their distress, and suffering from the Church. In many of your diocese is likely to increase in the number of empty churches, seminaries and priests empty. In many countries, with the claims of ecclesiastical reform, it was decided the merger of many parishes, often against their will, to form giant "pastoral units" entrusted to a small number of priests burdened with a heavy load of work.
And finally, the many signals of the current crisis will come in the appalling scandal of abuse by members of the clergy on thousands of children and adolescents in the United States, Ireland, Germany and elsewhere, and this is accompanied by a leadership crisis, a crisis of confidence without precedent. One can not fail to mention the fact that the world system of concealment of sexual abuse of clergy respond to the provisions of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (headed between 1981 and 2005 by Cardinal Ratzinger), who from the pontificate of John Paul II gathered , in the strictest secrecy, the documentation on these cases. On May 18, 2001 Joseph Ratzinger sent out a letter to all bishops solemn tones on the most serious crimes ("Epistula de delictis gravioribus"), in the case of abuse by imposing the "secretum Pontificium", the violation shall be punished by the Church severe penalties. E 'therefore reason that many have asked for a personal "mea culpa" to the prefect of the time, now Pope Benedict XVI. Yet it has not seized the opportunity to do the Holy Week, but instead did testify "urbi et orbi" on Easter Sunday, his innocence to the cardinal dean.
For the Catholic Church for all the consequences are devastating scandals emerged, as confirmed by some of its greatest exponents. The generalized suspicion now indiscriminately affects countless pastors and educators of hard work and exemplary conduct. It's up to you, esteemed bishops, ask what will be the future of your diocese and that of our Church. It is not my intention here to propose a reform program. I've done more than once, both before and after the Council. Instead I will confine myself here to submit six proposals, shared - I am convinced - by millions of Catholics who have no voice.
1. Do not be silent. The silence in the face of many serious abuses there to bind. In contrast, whenever you feel that certain laws, regulations or measures have counterproductive effects, you should declare it publicly. Do not write letters in Rome to make an act of submission and devotion, but to demand reform!
2. Put hand in reform initiatives. Many in the Church and the episcopate, complain of Rome, but never take action. But if today in this community or the diocese or the parish Mass desert, where the pastoral work is ineffective, if there is no opening to the problems and ills of the world, if the ecumenical cooperation is reduced to a minimum, we can not download all the blame on Rome. Everyone, from bishop to priest or layman, must be committed to the renewal of the Church in their living environment, whether large or small. Many extraordinary things in the community and more generally within the Church, were born from the initiative of individuals or small groups. It is up to you, in your capacity as bishops, the task of promoting and supporting such initiatives, as well as to answer, especially now, with the justified grievances of the faithful.
3. Act collectively. The Council has decreed, after a fiery debate and strong opposition against the Curia, the collegiality of the popes and bishops, in analogy to the history of the apostles Peter himself was not acting outside the college of apostles. But in the post-Vatican II, the pope and the curia have ignored this fundamental decision the council. Ever since, just two years after the Council and without any consultation with the Bishops, Pope Paul VI he issued an encyclical in defense of the controversial law on celibacy, politics and the papal teaching resumed operations in accordance with the old style non-collegial. In the same liturgy, the pope looks like an autocrat, before whom the bishops, of whom willingly around, appear as extras without rights and without a voice. Therefore, esteemed bishops, should not only act individually, but together with other bishops, with priests, with women and men who make up the people of the Church.
4. The absolute obedience to God alone should be all of you at the time of the solemn consecration to the episcopal dignity, you have sworn unconditional obedience to the pope. However you also know that absolute obedience is due not to the pope, but only to God why you should not see an obstacle in that oath that stop you from telling the truth on the current crisis of the church, your diocese and your country. Follow the example of the Apostle Paul, who opposed Peter "to his face because he clearly was wrong" (Gal. 2:11). May be legitimately put pressure on the Roman authorities, in a spirit of Christian brotherhood, where these do not adhere to the spirit of the Gospel and their mission. A number of targets - such as the use of national languages \u200b\u200bin the liturgy, the new rules on mixed marriages, the adherence to tolerance, democracy, human rights, and many ecumenical cartel others could only be achieved through a constant and persistent pressure from below.
5. Pursue regional solutions: the Vatican is obviously often deaf to the justified demands of the bishops, priests and laity. All the more reason to bet intelligently to regional solutions. As you know, a particularly sensitive issue is the law on celibacy, a rule of medieval origin, which is now rightly called into question in the context of the worldwide abuse scandal. A change in opposition to Rome is almost impossible, but no one is condemned to passivity. A priest who, after serious reflection has completed its intention to marry should not be forced to resign from office automatically if he could count on the support of his bishop and his community. A single bishops' conference could pave the way for carrying out a regional solution. Better yet would be aimed at a comprehensive settlement for the Church as a whole. So
6. will request the convening of a council: if to get to the liturgical reform, religious freedom, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue there was no need for a council, the same is true today in the face of the problems that arise in terms of both dramatic . A century before the Reformation, the Council of Constance had decided to convene a council every five years, the decision was but rejected by the Roman Curia, which even today will certainly do everything to prevent a council from which they may fear that a limitation of its powers. It is the responsibility of all of you to be able to pass the proposal for a council, or at least representative of Bishops meeting.
This, in front of a church in crisis, is the appeal that appeal to you, esteemed bishops: I invite you to throw your weight on the scale of the episcopal authority, re-evaluated by the Council. In the difficult situation we are facing, the world's eyes are turned to you. Countless Catholics have lost faith in their Church, and the only way to help is to restore to address the problems honestly and openly, to adopt the reforms that this entails. I ask you, in total respect, do your part, if possible in collaboration with other bishops, but only if necessary, with apostolic boldness "(Acts 4,29.31). Give a sign of hope to your people, give a perspective to our Church. I greet you in the communion of the Christian faith.
(Letter to the Bishops of Hans Küng - La Repubblica, April 15, 2010. Swiss theologian Hans Küng is an internationally renowned, best known for its positions in the theological and moral, often critical of the doctrine of the Church Catholic. Between 1962 and 1965 he attended the Second Vatican Council as an expert, appointed by Pope John XXIII)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Quotes About Softball Pitcherrs
Nigeria, the endless massacre of Christians and Muslims (Guido Rampoldi)
KURU Karama (central Nigeria) - To kill with the frenzy in his head had to be very koskovo , the local gin, rather than the incitements addressed to the extermination of his people by the God of the Old Testament: "Kill men and women, children and babies." But they slaughtered the Muslims of the village just like that.
now plays And when the kids tell how Christians with machetes fulfilled the commandment of the Lord of Hosts - "And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you pierced by the sword" when you realize that among the burnt ruins of the only intact building is the temple of Pentecostals, you have to wonder whether those who ordered this massacre did not read the Bible just as in the opposite camp, some Islamists read the Koran. And that is, as a theology of terrorism especially useful for destroying rival human groups, plunder, to subdue, and then sell those crimes for heroic acts of faith.
now plays And when the kids tell how Christians with machetes fulfilled the commandment of the Lord of Hosts - "And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you pierced by the sword" when you realize that among the burnt ruins of the only intact building is the temple of Pentecostals, you have to wonder whether those who ordered this massacre did not read the Bible just as in the opposite camp, some Islamists read the Koran. And that is, as a theology of terrorism especially useful for destroying rival human groups, plunder, to subdue, and then sell those crimes for heroic acts of faith.
clash ancient African religions in the Moluccas is finding excuses, inspirations and their accomplices, in central Nigeria obeys a symmetry radical Muslims and Christians are out whole villages. Large bands attacked by surprise isolated settlements and do not spare anyone, even children. The other night a bunch of Muslims massacred Christians in Doko Nahawee, killing perhaps five hundred. Five weeks earlier, on Jan. 26, had been erased from the maps Kuru Karama. Of the three thousand inhabitants, but Christians have murdered at least hundred and fifty, those too old or too young to escape, and those determined to defend their property. Among the houses of earth congealed, none of which keeps the sheet that served as a roof, meeting four soldiers and three school depressed olds who come in search of the notebooks kept by the bed.
Soldiers sealed with two wells in the ground where the attackers had thrown him killed: too many dead bodies, they explain, and did not know how to get them out. Kids belonged to a class that has been decimated by the machete when he tried to escape through the circle of the besiegers. While we do not find the words tell, and have their eyes wide open, I do not know if in your fear, horror or disbelief.
None of them, they say, were expecting the attack. It is hard to believe. Kuru Karama is one of many ethnic Hausa settlements in the state of Plateau, where villages are a small mosque next to a tiny Christian church, and shops displaying posters matched the beating heart of Christ and girls in ecstasy Koran. All around, a land that can not arouse appetites - parched fields, a bush sparse scattered over a dusty wasteland. But Kuru Karama has a peculiarity: it is entirely surrounded by the villages of the Christian, the Birom, which expresses the power in the Plateau. That's was fatal.
If we go up the chain of causality, fate is in the form of a law in unsuspected deeply democratic theory. Assimilation to save the smallest of the 250 Nigerian ethnic groups, each of the 36 governments that make up the federation gives the status of "indigenous people" considered native to the tribes, with the status and privileged access to education and public administration that is the only chance to find a decent job. The Hausa are the Plateau since the mid-nineteenth century, but the local government, monopolized by Birom not consider them "natives". Since 2001, this is the cause of discrimination against them furious, and the equally brutal reaction of Birom.
Whenever more violent confrontation begins to overlap with a fault line running through the Nigeria from its colonial origins. The country was invented by the British in 1914 incongruously assembling the Muslim north and Christian south. After the end of military dictatorship (1999) twelve northern states, attracted by the Saudi donation, they decided to apply sharia to their citizens, albeit on a voluntary basis. But one of the twelve has rethought and others do not apply Islamic law in substantial part. But the dominant groups (Muslims) feel entitled to enforce the pretexts with which to share the government employment. In universities, Christian teachers are denied tenure, teachers in schools decreased non-Muslims. In turn, some Christian oligarchies of central Nigeria have begun to engage in discriminatory religious ethnic groups to ward off "non-indigenous" Muslim majority, as the Hausa, who claim their rights. And since this gap now crosses also the security apparatus, it is becoming dangerous for a country struggling to find a common name, if not in the huge oil revenues.
These conflicts can not use the mask religion if the clergy remained in opposition. In this region, a breakwater of races and creeds, have formed an inter-religious committee, which meets in the city of Jos to prevent tension. The participants get to know the time in elementary, but I trust one of them, all in the same way doubt the sincerity of what is being said. And with good reason: in fact one and the others maintain a conspiratorial restraint on misdeeds of Christian and Muslim gangs. These gangs are inspired by two political rivals, eminences of the same party: the Christian governor, a former general aviation ethnic Birom, a former minister and Muslim Hausa ethnic group.
latter would organize violent demonstrations January, the beginning of the riots. Reason or excuse Christians would have prevented the reconstruction of a Muslim's house, destroyed in the clashes in Jos two years ago. Muslims have reacted with the burning of houses and attacks on Christian churches, January 24, Sunday. In any event, the evening was turned over, crushed by the army in the usual way: by shooting at eye level on the demonstrators. But the Christians had suffered casualties, although in smaller numbers of Muslims, and the oligarchy of Birom wanted to give a lesson to the Hausa. In the hours after the state television, run by a Pentecostal pastor, has aired in a continuous cycle news excited, culminating in an editorial that the 26 seconds it sounded like an appeal to Muslims in the massacre. "It was all planned, we can prove it," he says Sani Mudi, the spokesman of the Muslim community in Plateau, showing the stack of papers two feet high that this week will deliver to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
Certainly the extermination of the Plateau are not spontaneous. It was not the massacre of Kuru Karama, although among the performers were young Birom from outlying villages. "I recognized several," says Samir Abubakar, a merchant of fruit that I find among the ruins. When did the hunt for a Muslim, and between the houses in the country, ran away in panic, abandoning his family. He was reunited with his wife in hospital (in the photo that shows the phone with arms in casts for the three fractures produced by four machete). Instead, no more news of his mother, probably burned inside the mosque, alive or already dead, and then thrown down a well.
When Birom who had surrounded the village began to advance, one of the three Christian pastors present that day in the village tried to stop them. But he was beaten and tied to a tree, I confirm the students. The other two if they are spun. You can carry out their escape, not the silence of Muslim clerics and Christians. With the exception of Bishop John Onayekam, the Catholic Archbishop, evangelical pastors and mullahs remain silent or hide behind statements vague. They pretend not to know. Kuru Karama is half an hour but does not arouse curiosity in the massacre Reverend Caleb Alas, general secretary of the Pentecostal Churches. When I ask him answer: "The crises highlight the limits of the human condition." Well said, but who did? "We do not know, there's plenty around malignant propaganda." But who was it? "I do not advocate the illegal killing." The maximum that you can get is a "do not exclude that some Christians ...". Then the Reverend
Alas I reveals that the origin of all is the obsession planted in the minds of Muslims finish the holy war that their ancestors failed over a century ago and "wet the Quran in the ocean ", that is the whole impossessari Nigeria. And now everything is clearer. In the eyes of the Hausa Kuru Karama were an outpost of Islamist towards the coast.'s Understandable that their destruction will not affect more than of killing of Christians (not) many impressions mullahs, in turn convinced that Christians conspire against Islam.
When the herd becomes a pack of wolves, shepherds often supports him. The justifications are. And their ears not to hear the cries of the slaughtered. There is also a clergy who opposes and reacts, often in solitude. But the general trend today seems to be that. There, where Muslims and Christians live together for centuries, If anything, the zeitgeist seems to blow in the sails of the religious harsher, more blood, more militant. As elsewhere in Asia and Africa, including Nigeria profit from Islamic extremism as much of Pentecostal Christianity, a creed which has experienced a spectacular boom in the last century, to the point that today would be, for many believers, the second Christian faith after Catholicism. Here also known as formidable healers possessed, the Pentecostal pastors have a predisposition for the first line, not by chance that their parent is in the tumultuous city of Jos, and a reverence for the sacred Word, which is not difficult to find in God of Hosts, that no discounts. Islamic extremism by the time he attended, and indeed in Nigeria even distinguish between adults and children when the massacre.
Muslims or Christians, the murderers and instigators of the massacres occurred in Jos in 2001, 2004, 2008 and January 2010, are all free. The police did not seek. His checkpoints at the entrance of Jos, a dozen, last week seemed to offer an opportunity especially for the officers to rob motorists. It was not hard to imagine that the exterminators would soon be returned to villages to sacrifice to their god. (Guido Rampoldi - La Repubblica, March 8, 2010)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
How Much Is An Rc Titanic?
The French newspaper Libération: "Italy is a country that is barbaric"
Translation Article "L'Italie de Berlusconi, one pays en voie de barbarisation" appeared in the French daily Libération
"Italy is a normal country? The anomaly represented by Berlusconi - that concentrates in itself the political and media power, using Parliament as a company destined to make laws that saved by the courts, that vomit insults on the judiciary, who constantly criticize the Constitution, which would reduce politics to a pile of jokes and histrionic statements, which carries with it the weight of its sex scandals - all this push to say no. But there's more.
What is striking, for example, is the fact that after being considered the laboratory-avant-garde idea of \u200b\u200bEurope, Italy is now regressed to a status of 'provincial'. The political class has its own provincial travels short, only rarely speak English. The central role still assigned to the detention of the country's television in the eighties. It goes on TV dressed up, everything is entertainment, advertising, talk show shouting, bottoms and lace, the transmissions of inquiry are very rare and therefore those who might participate philosophers, historians, sociologists, psychoanalysts, or men of science virtually non-existent. One evening on two Rai Uno broadcasts Porta a Porta, a talk show hosted by a journalist sweet, a sort of always making the same involving political leaders, and that is not far from replacing the House and Senate. Very rarely in political broadcasts, sports or variety shows a black person. New province, Italy loses points in virtually every sector, from education to health, ecology, human rights, culture (budget massacred) and also to technology. Recently, after Bob Geldof who blamed the government to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, it was Bill Gates himself to accuse Berlusconi ("The rich spend more money to solve their personal problems, such as hair loss, than do to combat malaria ") that it has halved the public funds for the development promised before the cameras, making Italy "the most avaricious European country."
The same regression of this data. We know that because of the decree Pisano wireless connection to the Internet in a public place, an airport or a cybercafe for example, is subject to the presentation of an identity card? That claims for the immediate development dell'addebito have been frozen since 2008, by most voices are being raised, calling for the control of social networking sites like Facebook? Signed petitions that were everywhere to "emancipate the Internet," by laws that penalize the country's future which, for access to the Net, is already "backward and underdeveloped than the rest of Europe? Berlusconi is a man TV old-style, for which Internet is a dangerous as "liquid", or uncontrollable and outside his empire.
But it is society and the regression is more pronounced. Berlusconi's attention so that catalyzes abroad is not perceived as the most important fact is rather a "leghizzazione" of society, which brings with it a civic and moral degradation, a "barbarizzazione" of Italy. The Northern League of Umberto Bossi - whose newspaper, La Padania, wrote "As we are liberated from blacks, the whores, thieves immigrants, rapists from hazel and the gypsies which infest our houses, our beaches, our lives, our spirits? Throw them out these damned "- the Northern League decisive ally of Berlusconi's party did elect his men, many of whom are ministers, in a considerable number of local government, spreading its values \u200b\u200band its language. Duty and has made normal xenophobic discourse.
We would like to join the Vatican Library and enumerate the speeches inciting racial hatred, homophobia, anti-Southerner delivered by its leaders. What you look on Youtube the speeches of Mr. Mario Borghezio , who plays a few excerpts of speeches by Radio Padania: in no country would tolerate such an overflowing hatred, stupidity, xenophobia " (L'Espresso, February 11, 2010)
Translation Article "L'Italie de Berlusconi, one pays en voie de barbarisation" appeared in the French daily Libération
"Italy is a normal country? The anomaly represented by Berlusconi - that concentrates in itself the political and media power, using Parliament as a company destined to make laws that saved by the courts, that vomit insults on the judiciary, who constantly criticize the Constitution, which would reduce politics to a pile of jokes and histrionic statements, which carries with it the weight of its sex scandals - all this push to say no. But there's more.
What is striking, for example, is the fact that after being considered the laboratory-avant-garde idea of \u200b\u200bEurope, Italy is now regressed to a status of 'provincial'. The political class has its own provincial travels short, only rarely speak English. The central role still assigned to the detention of the country's television in the eighties. It goes on TV dressed up, everything is entertainment, advertising, talk show shouting, bottoms and lace, the transmissions of inquiry are very rare and therefore those who might participate philosophers, historians, sociologists, psychoanalysts, or men of science virtually non-existent. One evening on two Rai Uno broadcasts Porta a Porta, a talk show hosted by a journalist sweet, a sort of always making the same involving political leaders, and that is not far from replacing the House and Senate. Very rarely in political broadcasts, sports or variety shows a black person. New province, Italy loses points in virtually every sector, from education to health, ecology, human rights, culture (budget massacred) and also to technology. Recently, after Bob Geldof who blamed the government to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, it was Bill Gates himself to accuse Berlusconi ("The rich spend more money to solve their personal problems, such as hair loss, than do to combat malaria ") that it has halved the public funds for the development promised before the cameras, making Italy "the most avaricious European country."
The same regression of this data. We know that because of the decree Pisano wireless connection to the Internet in a public place, an airport or a cybercafe for example, is subject to the presentation of an identity card? That claims for the immediate development dell'addebito have been frozen since 2008, by most voices are being raised, calling for the control of social networking sites like Facebook? Signed petitions that were everywhere to "emancipate the Internet," by laws that penalize the country's future which, for access to the Net, is already "backward and underdeveloped than the rest of Europe? Berlusconi is a man TV old-style, for which Internet is a dangerous as "liquid", or uncontrollable and outside his empire.
But it is society and the regression is more pronounced. Berlusconi's attention so that catalyzes abroad is not perceived as the most important fact is rather a "leghizzazione" of society, which brings with it a civic and moral degradation, a "barbarizzazione" of Italy. The Northern League of Umberto Bossi - whose newspaper, La Padania, wrote "As we are liberated from blacks, the whores, thieves immigrants, rapists from hazel and the gypsies which infest our houses, our beaches, our lives, our spirits? Throw them out these damned "- the Northern League decisive ally of Berlusconi's party did elect his men, many of whom are ministers, in a considerable number of local government, spreading its values \u200b\u200band its language. Duty and has made normal xenophobic discourse.
We would like to join the Vatican Library and enumerate the speeches inciting racial hatred, homophobia, anti-Southerner delivered by its leaders. What you look on Youtube the speeches of Mr. Mario Borghezio , who plays a few excerpts of speeches by Radio Padania: in no country would tolerate such an overflowing hatred, stupidity, xenophobia " (L'Espresso, February 11, 2010)
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