Friday, November 27, 2009

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Immigrants, Pope's appeal: "They have inalienable rights"

The Vatican expresses "sorrow" and "sadness" for the operation of "White Christmas" in the town of Coccaglio

CITY 'OF THE VATICAN - "The migrant is a human person with inalienable fundamental rights to be respected by all and always." This was the thrust of Benedict XVI, referring to the Day of Migrants and Refugees is scheduled for January 17 next year. The Pope stressed the importance of taking care of migrants and refugees, minors, remembering that Jesus, as a child, she experienced on their own experience of migration. Even so, he continued, "the children of immigrants must be given the opportunity to attend school and enter the world of work." With this in mind, then, that "an unaccompanied minor can not be returned."

"I sincerely hope that we reserve the right attention to minor migrants in need of a social environment that permits and fosters their physical, cultural, spiritual and moral," the Pope said while the president of the Pontifical Council for the pastoral care of migrants, Mgr. Antonio Maria Veglio, said that very often the rights of the children are not respected. One above all, the one for which an "unaccompanied minor can not be returned" to establish, are international standards.

Day of Migrants 2010 will be dedicated to them, children, entitled "Migrants and refugee children. "It said the Pope," a look that Christians evaluate very carefully, mindful of the admonition of Christ, who in the final assessment will consider referring to himself all that was done or refused to smaller. "" And - has asked Pope Benedict XVI - how can we consider even the smallest children migrants and refugees? Jesus himself - he said - he lived as a child because of the migrant experience, as recounted in the Gospel, to escape the threats of Herod had to flee to Egypt with Joseph and Mary. "

The Vatican has also expressed" sadness "and "pain" for the so-called "Operation White Christmas, White Christmas, the administration of Coccaglio League (near Brescia) has decided to expel the immigrants before the arrival of Christmas. "The White Christmas is a song about snow, it is very sad what is written," said Msgr. Antonio Maria Veglio, president of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. "It 's a sad story," said Msgr. Agostino Marchetto, secretary of the department. "Christmas celebrates the mystery of the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary and called the reception of the infant Jesus. He, like the Pope said in his message, was a refugee in Egypt."

The members of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants have also focused on the reasons often condemn underage underground, such as "the difficulty, or sometimes impossible, to access the desired country of destination." "This pushes - said Msgr. VegliĆ² - minors and families groped illegal immigration. In these cases, parents put all their hopes in the success of the child who migrates, which is ready to suffer injustice, violence and ill-treatment in order to obtain a residence permit, perhaps an education, especially work to help the family. " All this, Archbishop Marchetto said, "is often not understood by members of civil society, who act and react according to stereotypes, prejudices prejudices and the arrival of refugees. "" Therefore - he concluded - the conduct of discrimination, xenophobia and racism must be addressed with policies that preserve, protect and reinforced the rights of refugees and displaced persons. " (La Repubblica, November 27 2009)


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